I believe in empathy. Empathy is a good start towards caring, and that ,on my opinion, is the base for good quality customer encounter. When customers needs and also their feelings are taken into consideration, we are on a good path to customers loyalty – and that gives a lots of benefits for the company.
Empathy is defined as the ability to understand another person’s emotions, imagine what that person may be thinking or feeling and why. The ability to stand in someone else´s shoes describes empathy as an ability. In the article “Empathy in customer service” the point was that empathy should be seen as a critical value of customer service, not as an “fluffy aspect”. It is stated in the study led by Sara H. Konrath of the University of Michigan, that empathy among young people in the U.S. has declined significantly in the past 30 years. In today’s world of increasing digital interaction, the need of empathy is even more necessary in customer service ( Genesys & MyCustomer p. 3-4) .
Especially when in heightened emotional state importance of human element in interaction is to be highlighted with the ability of humans to better understand and acknowledge customers emotions. The matter, however, contains a contradiction. Most of the times these interactions haven´t been designed to be empathetic – instead service interactions with many companies have been organised around efficiency and effectiveness and totally lacking of empathy. The kind of encounters where customer is mistreated, consequences can have negative, long-term effects on company´s reputation ( Genesys & MyCustomer p. 3-4).
Companies should recognize empathy in customer service as “ a superpower”, which can lead to many good things. Whilst change has to be led from the top, it will be employees who will have to make the change ( Genesys & MyCustomer p. 16). Company´s mindset should be enhancing empathy via changing corporate´s culture. Even though this change can be time-consuming and challenging, it is worth it. The prize for emphasizing the meaning of empathy in customer service can increase customer loyalty and -trust as well as customer lifetime value and in the end, financial benefit ( Genesys & MyCustomer p. 20).
On my opinion empathy in all creates a lots of good things around itself. When a company includes empathy to its core values, it provides loyalty not only from customers but also from employees. When there are changes or other stressful situations, positive and caring work environment will cope better and is able to adapt to changes. Culture of caring and empathy will increase the commitment of employees and reduce turnover. The work environments that share these kind of values are also proven to be more productive and innovative.
Employees of today are considering work to be more than the paycheck in the end of the month. People also seek significance from their work environment. When in empathetic and caring work environment employees feel that they are truly heard and confronted as individuals and the meaningfulness increases.
Empathy is a skill that one can improve. It starts from self-reflection. When you identify your feelings and the ways you typically tend to react on situations it will make it easier to understand others as well. Encouraging to empathy in workplace community is a significant issue. Everyone carries a huge responsibility in creating a good atmosphere and one should ask “What is my input to this workplaces atmosphere and what happens to it when I arrive on set?” ( Mäkelä, 2020)
Genesys & MyCustomer, Empathy in Customer Service: A Consumer Survey and Practical Guide. Genesys. Visited on: 9.9.2024 https://lucit-my.sharepoint.com/personal/outi_kahkonen_lapinamk_fi/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fouti%5Fkahkonen%5Flapinamk%5Ffi%2FDocuments%2FCEMIT%2DMECIT%2FMaterials%2FReaction%20paper%20%2B%20LC%2FEmpathy%5Fin%5Fcustomer%5Fservice%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fouti%5Fkahkonen%5Flapinamk%5Ffi%2FDocuments%2FCEMIT%2DMECIT%2FMaterials%2FReaction%20paper%20%2B%20LC&ga=1
Mäkelä, A. 2020 Työyhteisötaidot – Voiko empatiaa mitata? Työpsykologi ehdottaa kysymään yhden kysymyksen. Visited on 10.9.2024 https://duunitori.fi/tyoelama/empatia-tyoelamassa?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyIj91dO4iAMVZRqiAx28Vge1EAMYAyAAEgJJEfD_BwE