Do you enjoy nature and outdoor lifestyle and maybe consider to visit in Rovaniemi? Let me tell you about some nice nature trails you might be interested.

My top 3 favourite nature trails in Rovaniemi

Here is a good site where you can find all nature trails in Rovaniemi.

There are so many beautiful places in Rovaniemi, but I’m gonna list my top three trails here below. It might motivate you to visit some of these places, or maybe just gives you inspiration for enjoy outdoor life!

  1. King’s lean-to. Very stunning place in Santavaara, about 10 km from Rovaniemi centre toward Kittilä, east side by Ounasjoki. It might be a bit tricky to find the right place to leave your car, because there is no signs to follow. But if you have a navigator, you will certainly find there. The route is a few kilometres long and very easy to walk. King’s lean-to is available all year. Kings lean-to
  2. Ounasvaara nature trails. I’m visiting here quite often with my dogs. Ounasvaara is near to city centre of Rovaniemi, and it is easy to get there. There is two walking routes which are marked well; nature trail and winter walking trail. There is also many other trails, but they are not marked so I don’t recommend those trails if you haven’t visited Ounasvaara before. 
    Ounasvaara nature trail autumn colors
    Ounasvaara nature trail

    Great video about Ounasvaara

  3. Arctic Circle hiking area. About 20 km from city of Rovaniemi, toward Sodankylä. There are so many beautiful routes in this area, but if I had to choose one, I would say Könkäiden polku trail. In this route, you will see both Vikaköngäs and Vaattunkiköngäs. Length of this trail is over 10 km, but it is quite easy to walk and there is several places to take a break.


Here you can find general tips for hiking. Useful site for every outdoor lovers!

Power of the great outdoors

It has been proved that going outdoors has many heeling effects on health. For me it’s easy to agree that, because nature makes me relax when I am stressed. It also gives me strenght when I am feeling sad or tired out. It is amazing to notice how enormous is the power of nature. Going outdoors is just like a therapy to me. And the best thing about going outdoors is that it’s totally free.

I really hope you got interested about nature trails in Rovaniemi. You’re warmly welcome! Have a nice walks in the great outdoors!

Noora Hast , , , , ,

2 Replies

  1. Hi Noora! Really nice post about nature trails in Rovaniemi. I would love to visit the King’s lean to. What do you think, is it better to go there at the summer or winter time?

    1. Hi Sonja and nice to hear that you got interested! Actually I haven’t visit King’s lean-to in winter time yet, but I really would like to! Maybe the summer time would be a bit easier to start. And in autumn there is awesome colors!

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