Hello dear readers! 

I’m Enni and I love to bake on my freetime. Here are some of my thoughts about my home hobby and why everyone should bake sometimes. 


When my journey as a homebaker begun?

I started baking at the age of two. My grandmother bakes THE BEST buns in the world. Today I can say that my buns are almost as good as my granny’s. My granny also loves to bake. Unfortunately my mother has never been a cook or a baker. That’s the main reason why I started to bake at young age to every party that our family ever had, and I still do. My granny and my father helped me a lot when I was younger. It was fun to spend time together and actually do something. Today I don’t need help when I’m baking (except with the dishes, I hate doing them). 


Do I devour everything I bake?

I have been working in a same place for about five years now. I live with my fiance. We can’t eat everything what I make in the kitchen. That’s why I take lot of my pastries to my workplace. My co-workers love me for that. It’s also a great way to get rid of them without gaining any weight. My cakes make them happy and I get to bake more. It’s a win-win situation and it improves atmosphere at work.  


Why baking is shakingly fun?

I think baking is for everybody. You can do it together with your friends and family, or all by yourself. Of course supplies might be expensive if you bake something special but you can also bake with a small budget. When you bake, you learn a lot of new stuff while actually doing something. It’s a great way to get your eyes off the screen and do something with your hands. 

My mother-in-law is a photographer and two weeks ago we had so much fun. I did the baking and she took great photos of them. We had a great photoshoot. You can find my mother-in-law in instagram (username: westerai_wisuals).

Here’s some proof for you!


From the photoshooting
From the photoshooting













I also multitask in the kitchen. I love listening to e-books, music or podcasts. My favourite podcast is “Jäljillä”. It’s really relaxing to listen to something new and thrilling. But in my opinion it’s boring if you just listen to it without doing anything else. Sometimes I start dancing when I bake and listen to the music at the same time. I really enjoy it! 

Here are some pictures of my cakes, buns, muffins etc…


Classic pastries
Summer cakes






















                           Here are some tips for other homebakers: 

  • You can take your creations to your work or familymembers -> you can bake even more and more! 
  • At the same time listen something you like.
  • Take pictures! It’s great to see your skills getting better by time.
  • Bake with your family or friends -> you get to spend time together and you don’t have to do everything by yourself (for example in my case the dishes) 
  • Enjoy your c. As we say in Finland: “A bun in a day keeps you butt rounded” “Pulla päivässä pitää pyllyn pyöreänä”. 


When you click here you go to my favourite baking website that includes lots of great recipes.


The next thing I would like to do are macarons. Those are hard to make. I found this video and I thought it gave me great tips:

Maybe you could try to do some macarons too? Please let me know if you did!


Love, Enni 

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4 Replies

  1. Hi Enni!
    Love you blog post!

    I’m a home baker as well, but not that good as you are!

    What i liked about your post:
    Your writing style is lite and easy to read, you compressed the subject very nicely and it was very informative. Loved your pics and the video!

    Maybe to be improved was that almost all of your pics were together. Maybe placing them separately into the text it would look more nicely.

    Bun in the end very nice post!
    BR, Kati

    1. Hi Kati,
      Thank you so much for your comment and nice to hear you liked my post.

      At first I put all pics one by one. In my opinion they took so much space so I ended up put them to collages. I wanted to put some of them separately so two pics are that way.
      Maybe next time I will do it another way and put them all separately.

      Best regards,

  2. Hi Enni,

    WOW, you are truly an amazing baker! Wonderful photos and they showed us that you have tried almost anything 😉 Macarons then next, I think you can do it!

    I love baking too and agree that listening something while baking is absolutely the best. We women can do many things at the same time 😉

    You should probably open an instagram page for your bakings with those nice photos your mother-in-law took and will take more in the future?

    1. Hi Mirka!
      Thank you for your comment. And also thank you for your kind words.

      I actually post my bakings to my instagram (user: enni_aliisa).
      Normally I put those pics to stories, not to the wall. But I do save those pics to highligts so I and everyone else can view them later.

      Best Regards,


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