Hello food lovers!

Welcome to read about my TOP 5 food memories abroad.

In the end I will also share some tips how to create your own food memories.


What kind of eater are you when travelling?

Would you rather go safe or are you experimental as I am?

Well, how ever you consider your self, I would like to share now few of my favorite food memories.

Hopefully you enjoy reading them.

It would be nice to hear also some of your experiences.


I`v been travelling quite much during my lifetime.

I also spent 3 years of my life living abroad in different destinations working within tourism.

Over all I think that food is the number one what comes to the memories when we travel.

Since I was a child, I paid attention to smells, colors and sense of taste and was always ready to experience new things on my plate.

I would recommend this to everybody.

But now, lets start!



My top 5 food memories abroad


Food No. 1


Sea urchins in Crete. This little, black spiky fellow got in to my mouth first time in Crete.

We were snorkeling among the guides and we had one local man diving a variety of marine animals for us to see.

The diver picked some sea urchins and when he got back to the boat he took hes sharp knife and split the sea urchin half. Then he cleaned up the sea urchin and you could see the “roe” or as it really is, gonads, of the sea urchin. Then he scooped a small amount of the gonads for me to taste.

Sounds not that tempting but this is actually believed to be good for your health at least among the Greeks.

And yes, I liked it. First taste was ocean like, salty and a bit like fish roe.

After the experiment I had sea urchin in the restaurant with lemon, olive oil, salt and bread. Pure perfection!

Here is a video for you to watch! Sea urchin in Greece by Bizarre Foods Andrew Zimmern

Top food memory No1 is sea urchins on plate and ready to eat.
Sea urchins ready to eat
(Photo: Pixabay)



Food No. 2


BBQ on top of the volcano Timanfaya in Lanzarote, Spain Canary islands. This was a dish I had several times when I lived in Lanzarote. Not because I loved the food so much, but because I was leading an excursion to this national park and had the excursion included BBQ dinner cooked in the heat of the volcano.

The food here is not the best I have had but its good and the cooking method is what makes this BBQ outstanding!

They actually cook chicken, pork and vegetable by the heat of the volcano! They serve the meets and vegetables with Canarian potatoes and of course with local sauces called spicy mojo sauce.

If you visit Lanzarote, you should definitely visit Timanfaya nationalopark and the restaurant.


Top food memory No2 is BBQ by volcano Timanfaya in Lanzarote.
BBQ at Timanfaya
(Photo: Jatta Hartikainen)



Food No. 3


Oysters in Montenegro and fresh from the sea! As usual I always attend to rent a scooter or a car when travelling. So we did this time as well and we took a good look around by our scooter.

Since the trip to Montenegro came suddenly we had not got in to the food culture basically at all.

While getting know to the country we noticed these small “farms” in the sea and then we found out that the locals were farming oysters. Of course we had to get a bite of this delicacy!

We stopped by one of the farms and asked if we could have taste. We had a lesson about oysters and then we enjoyed the oysters with lemon and local white wine. Pure perfection!


Top food memory No 3 is fresh oysters in Montenegro straight from the sea.
Oysters in Montenegro
(Photo: Jatta Hartikainen)



Food No. 4


Fresh fish at the fishing boat in Samos. This is my “happy place” what comes to my food memories. When I lived in Samos I made friends with a local fisherman and he took me on his very old wooden, authentic Greek fishing boat for a day.

During the day we caught some fish and in the evening we anchored the boat close to the small village and my friend asked the local restaurant to cook the fish for us.

Then we enjoyed the fish with tzatziki, Greek salad, local cheese and white wine on the boat deck while watching the sun go down.

What a memory!

Top food memory No4 is dinner on the fishing boat in Samos.
Fresh fish on the fishing boat in Samos
(Photo: Jatta Hartikainen)



And here is the food memory No. 5

of my TOP 5 food memories abroad


Chicken fish and frog. What? Chicken fish?

I red the menu in the street kitchen quite many times and just couldn`t get over this dish! So I ordered it.

When I then reserved a plate with a whole bony fish and started slowly tasting it, the fish tasted like fish but the texture was like chicken. This was very similar to the Thai dish that you can see below in the picture.

My friend went a bit more extreme and ate the frog and I tasted it too. I have to admit that the frog tasted actually better than my chicken fish. Next time I have to be more brave.

Unfortunately I don`t have a picture of my chicken fish plate but here is a link to Michelle Millers blog to read more about Chicken fish in Malaysia.


Food memory of a deep fried fish with tamarind sauce in Thailand.
Deep fried fish in Thailand
(Photo: Jatta Hartikainen)

 Thai Deep fried fish with tamarind sauce

I had several times when I was living in Thailand. This dish was beyond my favorite! The fish was usually snapper or sea bass and it was served with veggies and tamarind sauce.

So so so good!

Read more about Thailand in Neeas blog Exotic of Thailand – Wish I was there



Tips to get the best food memories

  1. Be brave to taste new things
  2. Get familiar with the local people and the food culture
  3. Search information about the food culture
  4. Order the most weird dish on the menu
  5. Travel inside the country you are visiting. The food culture might be different in other parts of the country.




It was super hard to decide which memories I would share with you.

There are so many of them!

Hope you enjoyed the time in my block and maybe got inspired to travel and seek for great food experiences!

Please share your experiences or tips on comments for different dishes to try when travelling!



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