You may have heard of Pinterest picture app, well join us and get to know how to use it!

In the Pinterest tool you can search all kind of pictures what ever you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for inspirations of tattoos, you can find all kind of tattoos from the app. Or if on the other hand you are looking for new decorations to your home, you just write whatever you are looking for into Pinterest and get inspirated!

Of the Pinterest user’s 36 percent is 18–29-year-old, and 45 percent of them are women and 17% is men. So, we can say that the target group is mostly young women. The content there is pictures by different users with a link, so companies can advertise there as well.

According to one of our readings, Millward Brown Study showed us that 87 percent of Pinners (Pinterest users) have purchased something they have seen on Pinterest and 93 percent is planning to do so. Pinterest is very good platform for advertising anything and get inspirated.

How to use Pinterest

Here is the first page you see, when you open Pinterest. You can see pictures that Pinterest thinks that you are interested in. At the bottom of the page is the menu where you can move to ‘search’ or ‘messages’ or your own account.

You can write messages to people you follow or who follow you and exchange ideas or just comment.

Here is your own account with all of your folders in which you can ‘pin’ pictures.

How to use Pinterest in Tourism business

As we already told you Pinterest is very good platform for advertising. So why not to use it with tourism as well. With tourism, pictures are the most important and effective way to catch the viewers’ attention. From the Pinterest app everyone can get inspiration for travelling so tourism businesses as well get good benefit for advertising from the Pinterest.

On Pinterest people are able to see the number of followers that a profile has. For business accounts Pinterest has created a site to review more detailed analytics. For example, you can view the number of times your Pins were on screen, engagements on the Pins, the clicking rate of the Pins and a lot more. You can also filter the data by choosing different filters which can tell you information about the user groups such as an age or gender.

Special tips

  1. Use high-quality images.
  2. Avoid using abstract pictures.
  3. Create attractive pins.
  4. Quality over Quantity.
  5. Remember the text for the content.

Here is a video tutorial where you can get more tips on how to use Pinterest for business purposes.


Our own impressions, Pinterest is easy tool to look for all kind of inspiration, different tips and tricks and even cooking instructions. You can easily ´´pin´´ the pictures and videos you prefer and got inspirited by to your own folder which are private or public, you may choose. Everything you want to remember stays in your folders and to use the app you do not need to post by yourself!

Hopefully you got inspirated how to use the Pinterest app and will start to use it more!

Please comment below!


Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai

23 Replies

  1. Dear Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai,

    Thank you for giving me this reading experience. First of all, have to say, I have never used Pinterest, and that’s why I chose your post to read. You brought the basic details and instructions clearly with pictures, love that! You explained with pictures how to use Pinterest with tourism. The special tip video was interesting. I would have liked to see more of your own experiences. How do you use it or do you like it? But I bet you like it anyway since you chose this tool and describe it with beautiful words. Now I know more about Pinterest. Thank you for that!

    Best regards,
    Mari Pulkkanen

    1. Hello Mari,
      thank you for your comment! We are happy that you liked it! Sorry that we didn’t include that much of our experience, but the thing was that we didn’t have that much experience either. Just a bit but we all like Pinterest very much and wanted to learn more so that’s why we chose it!
      BR Pinterest group

  2. Dearest Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai,

    thank you for the post, it was very interesting. I have used Pinterest very little, mostly because I haven’t had the time to learn how to use it properly. But it is true, that you can find so many pictures about everything. Maybe I should start learning how to use it.

    When using Pinterest, you really need to know how to take high quality pictures, as pictures are the point. It was interesting how you can, as a Pinner (did I use the word right?) to know about your detailed analytics, like the clicking rate.

    Thank you for this, I really enjoyed reading your post,

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Sonja,

      Thanks for your comment! Glad to hear that you enjoyed reading our blog post and also learned a new word, Pinner. 😀 We agree that high quality pictures are the ones that draw people’s attention.

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

  3. Dear Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai,

    Thank you for the post it was good.
    I have used Pinterest few years ago and back then I wasn’t really active. In my opinion Pinterest is a great place to find new ideas and inspiration.

    You used lot of visuals. Because your post was written in english maybe the photos and text IN the photos should be also in english.

    I learned new things about Pinterest and the video was really good.

    Best regards,

    Enni Piippo

    1. Hi Enni!
      Nice to hear that you learned something new even though you have used Pinterest before. Your mention about pictures being also in english was a very good point, thank you! We didn’t realize while taking the screenshots that we should change our apps language.

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

  4. Dear Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai,

    This post was very interesting, thank you! I have used Pinterest on and off for some years now but I can’t say it ever crossed my mind that businesses could also use the site. It’s certainly an option businesses should consider when increasing their social media presence if their target group uses it!

    At the same time, at least from what I’ve heard, Pinterest also suffers with a lot of content being stolen from other sites without being linked back to the original creator. Of course, this is more of a problem among the individual users and not businesses, but maybe it’s something businesses should also be aware of?

    Thank you for this post! I certainly learned more about Pinterest in business use.



    1. Hello Enni!

      Thank you for the comment. You got really good points! I have heard same things that some content in Pinterest might be stolen. It’s not okay so I really hope that Pinterest will work on with that problem. It’s also nice to hear that you got some new ideas to use Pinterest.



  5. Hi Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai,

    Thank you for your post of Pinterest. I´ve had also my Pinterest account for years but I mostly search ideas and look at nice photos. I´ve never added my own photo there.

    So it was very interesting to find out that it´s so easy and very well used in businesses too. That was all new to me!

    Very logical text and expecially for someone who´d like to start her/his own Pinterest account.



    1. Hey Mirka,

      Thank you for your comment! Nice to hear that you have already been using Pinterest to get inspired. Now in the future you can consider using Pinterest for business purposes also.

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

  6. Hello Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai!

    Thank you for your blog post.
    I have used Pinterest once in a while, but never thought about the side on travel marketing. That is why it was interesting to read and learn at.
    You explained well basic use of the app.
    I agree high quality content is important, and also inspiriting.

    Best regards, Sarianna

    1. Hello Sarianna,
      thank you for your comment! Most people seem to use pinterest for example DIY ideas but travel marketing on Pinterest is actually really easy and effective, because a picture is worth a thousand words! So we think that travel marketing is wildly done on pinterest but not just as recognized! People just see the nice pictures of different travel destinations, but don’t see it as marketing. So it’s actually very clever.
      BR Pinterest group

  7. Dear Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai

    Thank you for your interesting blog post! I am familiar with Pinterest and I use it pretty much for finding inspiration. For example I use it for looking for tattoos, decoration ideas and anything else that comes to mind. However its business use is new to me. I think Pinterest would be a great tool in tourism business also when people are finding inspiration there.

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Neea!
      Nice to hear that you enjoyed our post and learned something new! We agree that getting inspired is definitely the best thing about Pinterest. We also agree, even if tourism businesses don’t use the app themselves, people posting about traveling still gets people inspired to travel which helps tourism businesses on its own!

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

  8. Hi Sini, Ella, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai
    I use Pinterest myself to find inspiration and I just enjoy looking pretty pictures. My favorite is nail types pictures.
    Your post is well written, thank you!

    Regards Oona

  9. Hi Sini, Ella, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai
    I use Pinterest for looking pretty pictures and sometimes finding inspiration. My favorite thing is looking inspiration for nails.

    Your post is well written, thank you!

    Regards Oona

    1. Hi Oona!

      Oh thank you, so nice words Oona! You definitely find good inspiration from Pinterest! We like also nails and of course travelling inspiration!

      Have a good day!


      Johanna, Ella, Sini, Roosa & Sarai

  10. Hi Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai!

    First i have to say i had already forgotten this pinterest. I´ve been looking for ideas there for years back. For example wedding planning and decoration. I havent never thought it the side of marketing. You had created a good information package. Good job.

    Best wishes

    1. Hi Linda!

      Haha so it was good thing that you found our post! 😀 Pinterest is really good way to find some inspiration, that’s true! Thank you for kind words, it was so nice that you had time to read our post.


      Johanna, Ella, Sini, Roosa & Sarai

  11. Hi, Pinterest Group!

    Thank you for your interesting post!
    I like to use pinterest for looking ideas for my hand craftings.

    I would rate your post by using the blogging checklist followingly
    Your post was long enough, but not too long.
    Liked your headings and paragraph leghts.
    You use pics and videos nicely, but you didin’t use the caption and Alt texts.
    In the end i find your post very interesting, good job everyone!

    BR, Kati Hirvasniemi

    1. Hi Kati

      Thanks for your comment! Very specific feedback, thank you! Glad to hear that you use Pinterest for new ideas! 😀

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

  12. Hello Ella, Sini, Roosa, Johanna and Sarai!

    Thanks for your blog! It was neat, well-defined and there was enough information.

    I have Pinterest, but I’ve used it really little. Your blog encourages me to take better control of the app.

    I think you have made blog visually and structuring as it was instructed. Great job!



    1. Hi Elina!

      Thanks for your comment! Glad to hear that you enjoyed reading our blog post and it was visually nice. Also nice to hear that you got encouraged to use more Pinterest! 😀

      Best regards,
      Sini, Ella, Sarai, Johanna and Roosa

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