Introduction to the article

“Social media and the travel sector”


In this reaction paper I am reflecting my reactions and analyzing the content of the article

Social media and the travel sector

by Expedia Media Solutions.


The article was mostly about choosing your social media wisely, when planing your businesses digital marketing strategy. The article is created by well known brand Expedia Media Solutions.The company is focused on digital marketing solutions in travel industry around the world.They provide the partners with data based solutions of traveler behaviors which leads to measurable results in  advertising solutions and strategic campaigns.



About social media strategy


Expedia Media solutions explains in the article the importance of social media.It gives you understanding of different social media platforms and which platforms to use in certain cases.The article also explains what social media marketing in travel sector is and how it is important to create relationships.The article gives examples how to get most out of social media campaigns.What are the social media campaign strategies like, that has worked for travel brands so well, that they have been able to make their business grow.



Relevant to the digital marketing studies


This article is relevant to my study unit themes in digital marketing, because it explains the importance of understanding different social media platforms and social media targeting.

Carefully built social media strategy is a key to spread the word and get more followers which most likely are possible customers.

In case of national tourism organisation or a small business in tourist industry, it is mark able to understand which social media platform works in which campaign.

How to reach your target audience and how to measure the effectiveness of your social media actions?



These are questions that are important to think about,

when creating a social media accounts and campaigns.


Three interesting points in the article


  1. Greek National Tourist Organization ran a campaign “What`s your pleasure” together with Expedia Media Solutions. They used Pinterest and the possibly of pining and sharing pictures via Pinterest users. The strategy was so clever that the Tourist Organization got free marketing trough Pinterest when people were sharing pictures of Greece in hope of winning the competition included to the campaign.
  2. Engaging people matters in social media. It is not about the amount of “likes”. Creating real relationships will benefit your company’s success.
  3. Social media enables already existing customers to share their experiences and pictures of the travel brand.


Following social media statistics
Follow the statics of your social media accounts. Not the “Likes”.
(Photo source WordPress media library)



About social media analytics


The article claims that quantitative measurements are not enough for growing business. We are going deeper and deeper in the way of analyzing the social media users behavior on our social media pages and landing pages. I understand the importance of the analyses, but for smaller travel companies like B&B on the Finnish country side, it can get a bit overwhelming to follow up the statistics. Luckily the tools for analytics and statistics are improving all the time. In no time it  will hopefully get easier to follow up these statistics.



Wrapping up the article of ” Social media and the travel sector”


  1. The main point of this article was to keep your customers close and keep your social media personalized.
  2. Remember to follow the database, and learn to understand the analytics you get from your social media platforms.
  3. Be creative with the campaigns.
  4. It is not all about the amount of the social medias you are using for your business. Focus more on the quality of your social media accounts.
  5. If you are ready and able to invest to the the social marketing, do that, and let the professionals help you out.



What I learned…


Was about the possibilities of social media campaign.

The importance of focusing your social media marketing to the right social media platform.

Social media marketing is very suitable for travel business, because of the industry is easy to out stand by its visuality.


It´s all about creating dreams and making the dreams happen!




Please, feel free to comment and share your thoughts!


– Jatta –





Expedia Media Solutions, Social media and the travel sector, insights and tips for travel marketers, referred 3.2.2022

Social media and the travel sector 


Jatta General

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