I read the article: Event Marketing 2.0. How to Boost Attendance Through Social Media By Cevent. In the article, there are good guides to reach more attendance with different social media channels. In the view of event marketing but I think those tips are good for any kind of social media marketing.

To study unit, it’s highly related because it’s about social media sites and how to use those more effectively in marketing. It caught my interest because I could use this knowledge in my job when doing social media posts.

Attendance on social media

The key message is that you can grow your audience when your attenders are more active in social media. And there are ways to boost your audience to more attend. The word of mouth is a huge thing in social media. Meaning that people’s opinions can be seen by lots of people when it’s shared on social media. (Cevent 2011.)


Whispering childs
Whispering the word of mouth (Photo: Saaed Karim)


You can do social media content but how exactly do you grow your attendance? Firstly, you must participate in the conversation and create a good base for it. Know your audience and focus on those platforms where they are. Make and share content that interests your audience and encourages attendance. (Cevent 2011.)

You should think about what kind of content makes you to follow some event page or share something on your social media. In my opinion, people are searching for something to fill their needs. For example, Pekka is sharing an event page because he is hoping his friends would come to the event too. Encourage more people to tell their friends about the event. You can make a post where you prompt them to tag their friends.

Customer touchpoints

Using the touchpoints to prompt more traffic from your social media to the website and other ways. Meaning you should have links, share buttons and encouraging content with a call to action.  So your social media viewers are more likely to comment, share and even create material for you. And your website visitors which may have already registered to becoming can find your social media channels and attendance there. (Cevent 2011.)


Smartphone with social media icons like, comment and friend.
Social media actions (Photo: Cristian Dina)


Social media platforms

In my opinion, the most interesting platform for event marketing is Facebook. Because there you can have a wider audience but still have many groups where you can market to your target audience. For example, there are popular local groups where you can have local people’s attention.

On Facebook users are interacting with their connections. Meaning that your main goal to the event page is having as many as possible to follow, register to come or sign to be interested in. Twitter and LinkedIn can be relevant to your event if they are industry- or business-focused. And YouTube can also be a good place to market if you have video material. (Cevent 2011.)

Also Instagram and TikTok I would bring up to the main social media platforms in event marketing. Example creating challenge on TikTok which is related to your event. So your viewers may attend to do it and in the best case it will go viral. On Instagram people shares a lot of content about what is happening right now or a memory of the past. And the shared content of your event is earned media. Which may bring to you new customers and remind old customers of your event (Cevent 2011).

What I have learned

There were things that I already know but I haven’t thought earlier exactly about how to boost attendance on social media. I learned more about LinkedIn and Twitter because I don’t have profiles there. This article increased my enthusiasm to learn more about social media marketing.


Cevent 2011. Event Marketing 2.0. How to Boost Attendance Through Social Media. Article. https://lucit-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/outi_kahkonen_lapinamk_fi/EbLRmjiL8B5BmOlPoeQbwNMBVinqW8cFwkD0r7HaLktA6Q?e=0KddEe

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