Russian social media tool – introduction

VKontakte (English InContact), or VK for short,  is the largest Russian social media tool. Their mission is to connect people, services and companies by creating simple and convenient communication tools.

It has gathered already 97 million active daily users. VK itself was founded in 2006 and primarily used as audio and video platform.

Nowadays it works as social network platform offering wide range of similar features as Facebook (messaging, likes, shares, video, audio…). In Russia it serves as the most popular website.

How to start using VK?

Even though VK is mainly popular in Russia, it is usable in more than 90 languages.

VK languages
Language list

To register, simply follow these steps:

Front page of VK
VK front page
  1. Open the  web page and choose the language most suitable for you
  2. To register, you may also use your current Facebook account, if you have one. If not, register by entering the details, what are asked.
Sign up page

3. Your page will look like this (of course, with your own name, details and shared audio, video files and entries)

social media tool page
Example of VK page


Now you are all set up and ready to use all the features it has to offer! Enjoy!

Psst, if my steps were difficult to follow, below please find a video on how to create VK account:

VK and tourism business

What VK has in common with tourism business, you may wonder..

Actually a lot. As it is the Russian most popular social tool and hence Russian tourists in Lapland is a common sight, it works perfectly by advertising, informing and promoting the Finland tourism.

As main user group are usually younger generation, it offers very strong SEO for searching the needed travel destinations.

VK also offers a business creation sites, as well as creating campaigns, content marketing and customer service forums for a chance to put on your own ad and even attend some courses.

Unfortunately page is available only in Russian


Like most social media networks, Russian social media tool VK offers  you to add friends, gain followers, and post photos and videos there.

You’ll find a Facebook-style interface, Foursquare-like check-ins, and even a Pirate Bay type of file-sharing service.

For marketing purposes you can add all the information you feel good to provide.

Comparison of social media tools
VK vs FB

Tips and metrics

Media tool metrics:

VK social tool uses these metrics


Please note:

When sharing your personal information, beforehand make sure and think twice, what kind of data you want to share with internet and social media tools.

It is important to keep your privacy and feel safe!


VK is definitely worth trying, specially if your company wants to attract more Russian visitors.

It serves also as a good tool to keep in touch and promote your company, business and gain popularity.





Inese Poikane-Meyer General ,

11 Replies

  1. Dear Inese

    Thank you for your blog post! It blog was very interesting to read because VKontakte is new to me. I haven’t even heard of it before but it seems to be very good tool. This post was very informative and I learned so much about this social media tool. I think VKontakte may be great tool between Finland tourism and Russian tourists!

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Neea,

      First of all, thanks for your comment!
      I also think that VK must be used more widely in those tourism cities/areas, where Russian tourists are the most!


  2. Hi Inese!

    Thank you for your information about VKontakte, i´ve never heard of this before. Nice to learn something new. I was a little suprised that it was set up back in 2006. You typed the text as it should, i think the text was very informative. In my eyes vkontakte looks very much like facebook.

    Best regards


  3. Dear Inese,

    Thank you for this blog post. It was nice to learn about another social media platform, that is completely new to me. Your post gave all the information a beginner needs.

    It was also nice that you added screenshots of the platform, so that I could get the idea of what it actually looks like. The comparison between Facebook and VKontakte was interesting to look at as they seem quite similar. Good job on the search engine optimization also 🙂

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Jasmin,

      I want to thank you for your valuable feedback!
      I am glad you liked my post and information shared here.

      Kind regards,

  4. Dear Inese,

    This was a very interesting post! This is the first time I’m hearing of this social media tool, so everything was new to me. I appreciate especially the pictures that show what the platform looks like, and you’re right, it certainly has that facebook type vibe to it. Thank you for this comprehensive introduction to VK! It does seem like a great tool to use, especially if the business has a lot of Russian customers.

    The tip regarding personal information was a great addition as well!


    1. Dear Enni,

      So happy to hear your feedback! It does really look like Facebook-type of platform, therefore I had much fun of comparing them and looking more into it.

      Kind regards,

  5. Hey Inese,

    Thank you for introducing this totally new social media platform for us. It’s crazy how I haven’t never heard about this site even though it is the most used one in Russia. It’s interesting that the site has quite a many language options in it. Your introductions were super clear and gave a good idea on how to start using the site. 🙂

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Sini,

      There is always something new that we learn, isn´t it?
      I am glad you liked it and maybe, who knows, it may come in handy for you as well 🙂

      Kind regards,

  6. Hi Inese! This was really interesting to read and the instructions were very clear. I remember hearing about VK once or twice but have never looked into it, so thank you for finally making me do it!


  7. Hi Inese!

    I have never heard about VKontakte. It sounds very good alternative platform for Facebook. It also looks a lot same as you mentioned as well.

    Your post was easy to follow and I liked that you had screenshots of the platform and your introduce how to use was very clear.

    Br, Charlotta

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