Mobile and the next wave of digital disruption.

First of all this text explains you how many people use mobile devices now days and how important they are for everyone, to customers and retailers. Mobile phones are probably the easiest way to approach customers, about two-thirds of population owns their own mobile phone and they use them daily around one to two hours, compared to computers what they use around 45minutes to 1 hour daily basis.

So conclusion is that we use mobile phones a lot every day so reaching out to potential customers there is important. These paragraphs are interesting for me since marketing is important in traveling business there are a tons of companies what does the same that you do, so you need to keep up the digital presence.

Advertising through mobile software is important since people use mobile phones so much it is or it will be the best way to keep getting more customers to your business. Specially Millennials spent lot of money in traveling and they usually go through lot of offers using their mobile phones, so good personalized adds are good thing so they can find the best place to go to and if the add is yours and well made there is high chance they will select your company. Also the ageing Gen Z who grew up with smartphones and in the digital presence will look through these same places and will keep looking along long time.

What are they trying to say?

I think they are trying to say that people should engage the mobile users much more and reach out to them using software’s and use personalized information to give them offers. Mostly I think this is okay, almost every website asks you if you want to give them your personal data and if they can keep collecting it for better service. Since there are still lot of people who hate that the internet is collecting and saving that kind of information about them it´s good that they are still given the choice.

I got attracted to the amount people use phones on daily basis, in USA they use almost use them 3 hours meanwhile in china it´s just about 1 hour.

These are kinda weird for me to be honest since every big developer has extended their digital business to mobile devices and started marketing it in china, at least in gaming community.

The millennials and Gen Z.

Millennials like to use brands and personalized data to get the best travel experience. They spent around 200billion annually and close to 50% total spending on traveling.

Bank of America also said that Millennials interact more with they phones than other important people in their lives etc. their family, friends, parents.

Meanwhile Gen Z. They make around 40% of the international trips. Gen Z also watches around 2x times more videos than rest of the generations and receives around 3000 messages in a month, so you can just think how much they actually use their phones. That´s a reason personalized data is useful and companies should reach out to customers more using phones.

Mobile booking is growing every year.

These statistics are from 2015 and 2016, but still it shows a huge amount of growth in the mobile bookings.

from 2015 to 2016 the amount of bookings using phones grew 13% and totally phone bookings were up 33% in that time alone.

these bookings mostly come from hotels ( 20% ), followed with by packages ( 18% ) and flights ( 12% ).

Since smartphones have been rising since then and most companies have extended to the mobile business as well now its good time for everybody to do it.

My conclusion for this mobile topic.

I think what they are overall saying is correct. Social media is being a big part now days in our every day life and personalized data and personalized offers through phone/adds are good at some points. Since they show how much its been growing and how much bookings people to through phone shows that everyone should think about it and encourage it.

Advertising is important and the amount people spent on their phones it´s just wise to advertise using mobile apps. There is no downside to it at least in my opinion.

I think this just made me realize how much we use phones since I don´t keep a track about it and If I think about it I have always booked my trips and hotels using my phone.



Chief commercial officer, Travelport Stephen Shurrock

ilmari General

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