Events and social media

When choosing material, I wonder what topics interest me the most and decision was pretty easy. Event tourism is interesting to me and it was nice to learn how event marketing in social media works. How about the material? So I chose Event marketing 2.0 as the material for the task. The material tells about…

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Customer experience in digital age

Digital age is here to stay, and it has changed not only ways businesses sell their products and services but the way customers by. Not that long ago a good customer experience was very different than it is today, so we need new ways to make our customers happy and loyal. I chose to read…

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Impact of the Internet on Travel Planning

Can you imagine traveling without looking information and reviews on Internet? Where do you get your travel inspiration from? I read this research about The Changing Impact of the Internet on Travel Planning Behavior written by Wang, Park, Zach and Fesenmaier. Bear in mind that the research was written in 2010 and the data was…

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How avoiding task got me in to an amazing day

How it all got started Getting to write this blog have gave me struggle for a long time. I couldn´t find an interesting subject what I would write a blog about. I was considering to write about traveling but it didn’t feel right. Even my draft about traveling to Brazil didn’t help. I was so…

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Holiday Tips in Kalajoki

Holiday in Kalajoki, what can you do there? –  Read tips from a local.   Are you planning a vacation? What if your next holiday was in Kalajoki? Here you will find a summer destination with plenty of sandy beaches and sun. Or at least lots of sand… I’m from the area and I would…

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Everyday life in Lapland?

Lapland seems to be a magical place when you scroll your feed in social media. You can see for example pretty pictures from husky safaris or videos from glass igloos with amazing views. This image is totally fine, but it doesn’t tell everything. I am a student  (who is living in Lapland) and I think…

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Inspiraatio taiteeseen ja taiteen tekemisen aloittaminen

Mistä voi saada inspiraation taiteen tekemiseen? Hei! Olen 21-vuotias itseoppinut taiteen tekijä. Olen harrastanut taidetta enemmän ja vähemmän koko elämäni ajan, mutta palavasti olen siihen uppoutunut vasta noin viisi vuotta sitten. Haluaisin tässä postauksessa kertoa, että mistä asioista minä saan teoksiini inspiraation ja miten taiteen tekemisen voi aloittaa helposti itse.

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Miten selvitä etäopiskelusta?

Ihana, kamala etäopiskelu Covid-19 seurauksena käsitys koulunkäynnistä on muuttunut paljon. Etäopiskelu on tullut tutuksi varmasti kaikille meistä, niin kuin sen monet hyvät sekä huonot puolet.

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Disc Golf the New Ice Hockey?

Hello Dearest of readers! I am Stefan Hakso a 21 (soon to be 22) year old Student living in Lapland, Rovaniemi. I started playing disc golf or frisbee golf around two years ago. At first it was more a thing that I did to hang out with my friends and I didn’t even have my…

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Musiikki osaa voimaannuttaa

Moikka! Mukavaa, että löysit tiesi musiikin mielenkiintoiseen maailmaan. Musiikki on ollut todella suuri osa elämääni aina. Kuuntelen musiikkia tarkalla korvalla lähes koko ajan. Analysoin sekä pohdin muun muassa sanojen, melodian ja kappaleen aiheen merkitystä aika-ajoin todella syvällisestikin. Seuraavaksi kerron miten ja mitä hyötyjä on musiikista voimaantumisella sekä suosituksen hyvin voimaannuttavasta kappaleesta.

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