Using digitalization to change theatres!

As we become more tech-savvy and tech-oriented, one question remains. Why are theatres so darn slow to embrace the changing times?   es, yes! We all know all about how your theatre should be on Facebook and Twitter. How important it is to have a web page. Some theaters may even feel they are being…

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WeChat- super app

China´s app for everything How to use Chinese WeChat WeChat is China´s app for everything from messaging to mobile payment apps developed by Tencent.

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How to use Pinterest!

You may have heard of Pinterest picture app, well join us and get to know how to use it! In the Pinterest tool you can search all kind of pictures what ever you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for inspirations of tattoos, you can find all kind of tattoos from the…

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Nature-based tourism

Nature-based tourism Nature-based tourism Is responsible way of travelling in nature. It can be walking in a nature, nature reserve areas. The main purpose is that everything happens respectfully towards nature. One of my favorite ways of doing nature-based travelling is camping. Tourism is a business that is growing and evolving all the time, so…

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Studies in the time of Covid-19

When Covid-19 started I was graduating from high school. It was a hard spring for me because a lot of things got cancelled and I had to change plans. I was working as a nanny that autumn because I did not see why I should apply to any school´s because everything was online and I…

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My passion

Hi everyone, it’s me Oona! I had troubles to choose the topic and what to write so I’m going to tell you something about myself and my passion about books. To me reading is a way to relax example for school or work. Theres nothing better than a compelling book and a cup of tee…

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Ennen oli kaikki paremmin, vai oliko?

Materiaalini artikkelit käsittelivät laajasti erilaisia nousevia kuluttaja trendejä. Keskeisimpänä teemana läpi artikkelien oli digitaalisuus ja erityisesti kuinka se näkyy niin asiakaspalvelussa sekä vähittäistavarakaupoissa. Artikkelit ovat hyvinkin ajankohtaisia, sekä sovellettavissa täysin digitaalisen markkinointiin. Omaa mielenkiintoani erityisesti herättelivät artikkelit, jotka käsittelivät vähittäistavarakauppojen katoamista sekä robotiikkaa. Olen aina ollut kiinnostunut digitaalisuudesta erityisesti sen tuomista hyödyistä, mahdollisuuksista sekä sen…

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Jump out of your comfort zone

From travelling together to travel alone It was 2014, when my life changed and gave me an opportunity to travel alone. My big dream had always been to travel Australia, and now was my time to make plans what I really wanted to do. I started planning a trip with my good friend. We decided…

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