My new blog post is telling and hopefully also helping you how to do event for a social media and also how to choose right  social media base.

First in my mind comes that it is easy to do! just follow the instructions and do it!!!

no!there is so much more and if you are doing the event for company its even more important, but this hopefully helpful guidance will lead you start doing the event by you self.

I will help you step by step how you will do this right! with out any  f words 😀

Social networks logo samples(

At the beginning you have to choose media base what will help you to organize  and implement  your own event. It gould be the facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedln, pinterest, YouTube, snapchat.

For these social media networks the most popular is facebook, but linkedln is also getting more and more users and now it´s almost same amount of users that twitter has.( so if you like to choose easiest then choose the facebook, but also remember that you have to research what network you usears are use.

easiest way to know that is that you ask them!

You need to think what are the main thinks on you event case?

when you have choose you social base then you can start planning what will you but on your invitations? is there lot of pictures or more text or what type of invitation it will be?

If you invitation has lot of pictures  instagram could be the right network for you but if you invitation has more of text facebook is best for you. Also you can make invitation movie 🙂 if that is what you like to do YouTube channel has right thinks for that.

I can not tell you lot about different network base because i have only  used facebook and little bit of instagram, but my opinion is that be brave and learn more of all of these networks bases! I am also learning too sama time that i am riding this blog.

When you have choose you social media network base you have start doing main things of you event that are:

  • short, one-sentence description of your event
  • date of your next event
  • your event location
  • your ticketing or registeration link


Event exambles (


When you have choose these you will choose you pictures what you would like to use at you event invitation (remember to check the picture size is right) i hope you still understand what i try to tell you 🙂

When you hav edone this things you should think best time to post the invitation.

My opinion is that everybody is in social media by evening time, but i also be frong about it!

Ideas how long the post should be (

Remember that you but pictures that are intresting and get you attention!! also you need set up the tracking link on you side that well tell you how many people has click you post and also reply to you invitation.

When all of these are done you can post you event and just wait and start making arrangements for you event.


I hope you liked my  blog post and learn something new!




Essential Guide, social media for events Essential guide: Social media for events



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