Great that you found my blog. Today I will talk about webinar of my choice what I needed to watch for this school task. I chose to watch Rinehart´s (2015) webinar called “What designing events for the five senses means”.  If you are interested in event designing, you should watch that webinar and of course keep reading my blog.


What was webinar about?

Webinar was about how to use senses in events so it´s not one type of event. Senses can be used in every event. In Rinehart´s (2015) webinar was told how using senses can make event´s even more interesting. In my Study Unit events are important part. With senses we can make other experiences more interesting not just events. This was really important information considering my studies in tourism. It can help you in creating at any experience and creating experience is what my field is about.


Strategies for using senses

Rinehart (2015) told in webinar about strategies how to use senses in events. Different strategies were:

1. Clustering senses

For making something more rememberable visuality is good choice. If you would add third dimension it would increase memorising content by 70 percentage.  Story telling is one way to cluster senses since it might activate memories. Memories can activate remembrance of smells or how something felt. Telling a story will make more impress on your audience and it more rememberable. Good way to activate hole brain function is food. When you eat you will smell the food, you will feel it in your mouth, and you will hear how you chew the food. (Rinehart 2015.)


2. Depriving senses

In this strategy all is about to achieve mindfulness. You would take peoples thoughts away and get their attention. This strategy would need you to be creative and at the same time you would need to be careful. (Rinehart 2015.)


Mans shadow on meditation position with different words on the back


3. Enhancing senses

In now a day there is a lot of ways how to enhance senses example microphone is one way to do that (Rinehart 2015). I haven´t thought about this before. Rinehart (2015) talked about movie theatre what is using this strategy. They are making movie in 4D so there are chairs moving and they even splashing water on audience if that is happening in movie what audience is watching (Rinehart 2015).


4. Altering senses

Restaurant served to Rinehart tobacco on a plate. It did taste like chocolate. When you change look or taste something that we have used to, it will wake up your audience. (Rinehart 2015.)


Tobacco on someones hand
5. Mapping senses

Mapping senses is a way to investigate what you sense in any steps what you make. Rinehart (2015) was inspired by artist in his matrix for senses. In matrix for senses should be considered positive and negative sides (Rinehart 2015). See below one matrix for senses from webinar and it will make so much more sense:

Matrix for senses for a normal day. There is positivity and negativity taken to notice aswell.
Matrix for senses. From Rinehart´s (2015) webinar.

All of strategies caught my interest. Especially altering and mapping senses. It would be an experience to be in restaurant where you would eat something that looks different. This could be used in many other ways. I cannot even imagine how it would be if this would be used in event or in excursion. Mapping senses was creative way to find out what you sense. It could be good to tourism companies to try that kind of matrix so they could make their services better.


Do the minimum

Other interesting point was that you should do minimum in event. Doing minimum means that you would make sure of that food is smelling good, seats are comfortable, lights are right, and music or sounds are on a right volume (Rinehart 2015). Still not forgetting about emotion (Rinehart 2015). These are small things and easy to forget. Doing minimum will still make big a difference.

Woman looking up to the lights what is coming from holes


What difference it made for me

As you can see senses can be used in many ways. Key message for webinar was that don´t be afraid to use senses in events. Senses can make events so much more alive and wake up and make your audience to remember better. Have better an experience as well.




Rinehart´s conclusion gathered hole webinar´s content in one sentence in insightful way. Main result of webinar was how you can make so much difference by using senses strategically in events. I learned a lot. This was important topic. It had impact on me. I will now have imagination how you can use senses and make event interesting by it. It was amazing to see how you can use senses in making event. I haven’t thought about how to use senses in events and this webinar made me think about it. With these strategies it is so much easier to make experiences even more memorable.


Webinar was really easy and interesting to watch. So feel free to watch it below:


Hope you enjoyed reading 🙂





Rinehart, B.R. 2015. What designing events for the five senses. Event Innovation forum- Los Angeles. Bizbash.;

Pictures: Notice your senses, Mindfulness, Tobacco & lights.



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