In this blog post I will talk about a webinar from EU Growth regarding Digital Customer Experience. The reason behind choosing this video to talk about is quite simple. When ever I am searching for a site for a hotel or a future apartment, the first thing I notice is how well the site works and the second thing is how appealing it is. So naturally I wanted to learn more on the subject of Digital Customer Experience. And also what types of tools do companies use for further creating a better digital experience for their customers.


Contents of the webinar

This webinar is the ninth part of a multiple-part-series called Digital for Tourism. It is clearly directed toward a already functioning company or an enterprise. The webinar in itself is quite short but packed full of useful information and tools. It promises you that you should be able to:

  • Understand the stages of the customer journey and different factors that go into mapping this journey
  • Identify the purchase cycle for your business, and understand the different key moments of truth
  • Understand how and where different digital technologies can be applied in the purchase cycle to improve overall consumer experience.
  • (EU Growth 2018)


I do not have that much of personal experience in digital marketing (only as a customer) so I really liked the fact that the presenter was able to explain the contents really efficiently and thoroughly. The three most interesting parts of the webinar to me were:

  • Customer mapping tool

The customer mapping tool seems to be a very valid and useful tool to get to know your clients overall experience. A company can utilize this tool even on specific aspects of clients digital experience. (Eu Growth 2018.)

  • Key Moments of Truth

These KMoTs  are a part of the customer journey and occur when customer buys something. KMoTs can be used to enhance the customer experience and are divided to four different moments of truth. Them being Zero MoT, First MoT, Second MoT, Ultimate MoT. For example, when a hotel recognizes the use of KMoTs they can then implement different digital technologies to influence their customers in to buying more their products or services.(EU Growth.)

  • Interview of the CEO of Valetta cruise port

The reason why I liked the interview is quite simple. Personally to me it is more understandable when the subject is implemented into real life and how important digital customer experience actually is.


To be honest this was very insightful and complex subject and to get it packed in to such a short video (17min 19s) is extremely impressive. This is also can be a negative thing. Since it was so full of different things that I was not that familiar with, it took way more than just a one viewing of the webinar to understand every nuance of the subject on hand.  One thing I thought this webinar was fully missing, was that they did not talk about how important the accessibility and appearance of a companies  homepage can be. In my opinion this is a important aspect that most companies do not recognize and it shows. I have come across some really inadequate pages that have barely functioned. As a result, I have ignored the whole page.

In addition, I believe that I will use this webinar-series in my future studies and worklife.

The Webinar

I highly recommend you to watch this webinar:

Thank you for reading!



EU Grow. 2018. Tourism Business Portal – webinar 9: The digital customer experience

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