Hi. Today, I would like to learn about the business use of Twitter with you. This is actually the first time for me to create a Twitter account, so let’s learn together!

What is Twitter?

Twitter icon image with phrases in different languages
Twitter icon image retrieved from https://twitter.com/

Twitter is a worldwide social media platform that everyone can tweet, like, comment, and retweet. The number of characters for one post is limited to 140 or 280 characters depending on your language. Currently, 396.5 million people use Twitter, and the number of users is still growing (Dean).

Who uses Twitter?

Sometimes, people say that Twitter is not one of the main social media platforms anymore. However, it is not the case. Twitter is the 16th most popular social media, ranked by a number of monthly active users. Although the largest number of users are in the United States, where Twitter was developed, the service has become popular in Asian countries including Japan and India, Brazil, and Turkey (Dean).ย 

When we look at gender and age, interestingly, 68.1% of the users are male, while 31.9% are female. And 59.2% of users are in the age group between 25 and 49 years old (Dean).

What type of contentโ€‹ people look for?

As information spreads so fast on Twitter, the users seek new information on the platform. They tweet and like various topics from sports, gaming, entertainment, to cosmetics.

How to start using itโ€‹

To get started, we firstly need to create an account! Sign in with Twitter, and set up our profiles. This is a nice video about how to start using Twitter as business.

Tipsโ€‹ for using Twitter

  1. Use hashtags effectively: It can be disturbing to use too many hashtags on your tweet. Yet, using some hashtags will help people to find your tweet and your business.
  2. Use profile dashboard: You can check which posts people like in your profile dashboard. Then, improve your future tweets.
  3. Communicate with the users: Same as other social media platforms, Twitter is a place for interaction, not one way street. It is a great place to communicate with your customers or prospects using comments, polls, and so on.

Twitter is a platform where people look for what is happening now and share new information immediately. Therefore, I think we can use this platform to inform people about your businesses that are new for people so that they want to share your tweets with others!


9 Replies

  1. Hi team Twitter!

    Thank you about your interesting post!
    I choose your subject because the Twitter isn’t so familiar to me.

    I would rate your post followingly
    I liked the way you write, also paragraph lengths were good.
    I liked your picture and also the video
    Your post were little short, i would be interested how to use this platform in turism business.
    You used nicely the headings and they are informative.

    In the end, good job
    BR, Kati Hirvasniemi

  2. Hi Yuiri!
    I liked your let’s learn together style to write. I don’t have myself Twitter account so it was nice to learn how to use it and information about it. I can relate to Kati’s comment that it would be nice to hear how to use it in the tourism business. All in all, good informative text!
    Best regards, Aino! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hello Yuiri!

    Thank you for the post!

    I have never used Twitter either. So this was nice new information that I got from your blog post. I also watched the video and it gave a good idea of Twitter in business use. Maybe you could have given more examples how to use twitter for example in tourism business.
    The beginning or your post was nice way to engage people to read your post.

    Over all You did good job and kept it simple and clear to learn with you about Twitter.

    Br Jatta

  4. Hi!

    Thank you for your blog post!

    I really liked your tips for using Twitter part! There was the most important tips for beginners how to use it. I haven’t used Twitter either so this post was important for me. You had much information about who is using it which was interesting to read.

    This was nice and easy blog to read ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Lahja

  5. Hello!

    Thank you for your informative post about twitter.
    There was lot to learn because twitter is not so familiar to me.
    I liked that video and tips for using. I have an twitter account but never used it so maybe your post will give me enthusiasm to try.


  6. Hi Yuiri,

    Thank you for you interesting blog post. I’ve never used twitter or even made an account there, so this really is a new world for me! The post gave me lots of information and the video was also very nice extra on the post! Now I know what this includes and what Twitter could offer me! If I do decide to get in to this world someday I now know where to start!

    – Jessica-

  7. Hi Yuiri!

    Thank you for your great blogpost!

    Twitter is new app for me, I have never used it.

    You explained well in your blog post how to use Twitter. The video was also great.
    I believe that now I could use Twitter too. Thanks for teaching how to use it! ๐Ÿ™‚


  8. Hey,

    I also chose your topic because I don’t have Twitter. I tried the app with Keraa, but I didn’t like it or this might also have been because I didn’t know how to just use it.The video nicely tells me the instructions, but I don’t think I’m going to be a user. I liked your short and succinct blog


  9. Hey!

    I really like this topic because I’ve made a Twitter account probably 10 years ago but I’ve never done anything with it. And because of this article I think I’d be able to give it another try!

    I think this was short but good introduction to Twitter but it would have been nice to hear how yous would use Twitter with tourism.

    Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    – Sara

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