
I have been reading  essential guide, social guide for events and that guide book have helping me to organized even on social media.

There have been nine steps and by following those steps everybody can organize event and make it work.

On the first section of guide book will opening matters, it will includes also steps one to tree.

Next section is telling you how to find right attendees on you events. that is also really important what kind of platform you are using  on planning the event, it will also includes steps four to seven.

On the last section there will be more about different ways how to measure result on you event planning.


Key messages:

I would say that most important message on this singment is to choose right platform and right attendees, it means that you have to know your content, but also your target group.

When you have get know of those tehen you just have to choose the social media platform what you are using. There is lot of platforms where to pick your own right social media platform how to achieve your attendees, but remember to look also other platform and get famillier of those becouse those can help you by start planning marketing your event right.

On the guide book i learnd that Facebook is still most popular social media platform what peoples are using, but the Linkedln is allso crowing next to the twitter(and i was littlebit suprised about it)

So if you wanna be sure that your event will get most attendees it would be best to choose Facebook, but if most of your attendees is´nt using the Facebook anymore you will loose lot of attendees.

Second think interesting think was how to analyse your data and analyse the resoults and how to use that information what you will get.

I havent realised how much data you can get by using different analytic procrams, but after reading this guide book my knowledge is much better.

On these analytic programs you can get information when? how? how? is using your post and also how many uploads it has get.

Third and last intresting thing is hastags!

This little thinks you can mark different people, places, hobbys and lot more of thinks on you event brite post.

So remember mark hastag on every post what you do and then you will get more attendees on you post.

My conclusions:

Before reading this guide book of making social media marketing event i did know some thing about using the social media platforms, but most of my knowledge is has come to using Facebook on my personal life and it was not so much.

Know after reading the guide book i can tell you that there is so much more going on in the social media and if you wanna do good and well working marketing event you will have to learn more and better how to use this platform.



Essential Guide, sosial media for events Essential guide: Social media for events




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