Have you ever had a dog? If you have, I think You can not imagine life without it. 

Life with a dog is full of happy moments and unconditional love, but also a momentary concern for the dog’s well-being. Life with dogs is never boring. You can always find dog hair on your food and on the couch. Different seasons bring their own challenges to everyday life with dogs. 


Dog owners have to take care of many things

For example, it is good for a dog owner to know how snakes and parasites that live in  nature affect the dog’s well-being. By taking good care of your dog’s health, you will have many good years together. Taking care of the dog also teaches you responsibility and parenthood.


I got my first dog in 2007

Since 2007 I have always had dogs. My first dog was Mixed Breed. It was a medium-sized male dog. It was the kindest and cutest dog in the world. I used to take my dog for a walk nearly everyday. I also liked to teach it some new tricks. A dog is a good companion. You can do anything with it, for example, go for a walk, practice agility or obedience. I like to go for a walk in the woods with the dogs.

Nowadays I have two dogs. My older dog is five years old German Shepherd and younger dog is two years old Finnish Lapphund. 

Finnish Lapphund (Photo: Aino Niskanen)
German Shepherd (Photo: Aino Niskanen)

Getting a new puppy

If you are thinking about having a dog you should consider it thoroughly and when you make a decision which breed you want you should make a reservation for it because in these days there is long lines for puppies of all kind. Covid-19 pandemic has changed our thinking a lot and people are more keen to have a dog because they spend more time at home.


I hope my Finnish Lapphund will have puppies this year. It would be lovely to have puppies in the house. 

Fingers crossed!


It would be nice to hear if you ever had a dog! 


ainonis , , , , ,

One Comment

  1. Hey Aino,
    I’ve had a Pyreneanmastiff back in the day. Right now, we’re going to plan with our family to take the mastiff. The dogs are lovely and it was nice to read your blog with a smile on your ears. You have lovely dogs.

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