Top 10 global consumer trends 2021

Top consumer trends in 2021 by Westbrook & Angus In this Euromonitor internationals article ” Top 10 global consumer trends 2021” writers Westbrook & Angus are going through the top trends that consumers appreciate or demand in 2021, mostly affected by Covid-19. According to them, adaptability and resilience were the driving forces shaping these top…

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Opiskelu työn ohessa

Esittely Olen Anri Ronkainen, 46- vuotias nainen Rovaniemeltä. Kotoisin olen Nunnasesta, se on pieni kylä Enontekiöllä. Harrastukseni on luonnossa liikkuminen, metsästys, kalastus, sienestys ja marjastus, sekä käsityöt ja hiihtäminen, mutta ne harrastukset ovat jääneet vähemmälle muutettuani Rovaniemelle kerrostaloon asumaan. Nykyisin vapaa- aikani kuluu 3- vuotiaan lapsen lapseni Väinön kanssa ja opiskellessa.   Työ Työskentelen Erityisammattioppilaitos…

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Social media strategy

 Introduction to the article “Social media and the travel sector”   In this reaction paper I am reflecting my reactions and analyzing the content of the article “Social media and the travel sector” by Expedia Media Solutions.   The article was mostly about choosing your social media wisely, when planing your businesses digital marketing strategy….

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The Five9 Guide to Making Customer Service a More Human Experience

I chose this particular topic, as it is very common and actual nowadays. With regard to my current study program, it has lots to add, as exceptional customer service goes hand in hand with maintaining a good name for company and/or brand. With COVID taking it to customer service workers to work from home, many…

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Throwback: Osaka, Kyoto & Nara, 3 gems of Kansai

2018 December I traveled in Japan this time heading to Kansai area. I was traveling with 2 other friends from French and Argentina who were visiting Japan for the first time. Felt nervous and excited to show them around the country, which I have already fell in love long time ago. Our first destinations would…

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How avoiding task got me in to an amazing day

How it all got started Getting to write this blog have gave me struggle for a long time. I couldn´t find an interesting subject what I would write a blog about. I was considering to write about traveling but it didn’t feel right. Even my draft about traveling to Brazil didn’t help. I was so…

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Disc Golf the New Ice Hockey?

Hello Dearest of readers! I am Stefan Hakso a 21 (soon to be 22) year old Student living in Lapland, Rovaniemi. I started playing disc golf or frisbee golf around two years ago. At first it was more a thing that I did to hang out with my friends and I didn’t even have my…

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Live streaming

I have been watching live streams since early 2010 when it first started to pop off. ( meaning it started getting more popular ). There used to be only few sites at the early 2010s, the biggest being which is most popular site still to this date. Live streaming is really simple context, you…

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