Ennen oli kaikki paremmin, vai oliko?

Materiaalini artikkelit käsittelivät laajasti erilaisia nousevia kuluttaja trendejä. Keskeisimpänä teemana läpi artikkelien oli digitaalisuus ja erityisesti kuinka se näkyy niin asiakaspalvelussa sekä vähittäistavarakaupoissa. Artikkelit ovat hyvinkin ajankohtaisia, sekä sovellettavissa täysin digitaalisen markkinointiin. Omaa mielenkiintoani erityisesti herättelivät artikkelit, jotka käsittelivät vähittäistavarakauppojen katoamista sekä robotiikkaa. Olen aina ollut kiinnostunut digitaalisuudesta erityisesti sen tuomista hyödyistä, mahdollisuuksista sekä sen…

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Jump out of your comfort zone

From travelling together to travel alone It was 2014, when my life changed and gave me an opportunity to travel alone. My big dream had always been to travel Australia, and now was my time to make plans what I really wanted to do. I started planning a trip with my good friend. We decided…

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Studying while parenting – tips to survive the madness…

Are you a parent trying to make the most of parenting and studying at the same time? Trying to meet the deadlines? Pulling your hair out out of the stress of loosing the grip on the load of tasks? Maybe blaming for being not too present for your kid/kids? Well, the good news are –…

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Start digital marketing in your theatre!

If you want to build your theatre’s brand, tell stories from behind the scenes, and got the audience to become inspired by the theatre industry, start digital marketing right now!   It’s time for theatre organizations to start digital marketing and appear better online! With the help of fascinating posting theatre industry and local activities…

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Snowboarding: The art of style

Snowboarding is all about style. When a snowboarder expresses his/her style, snowboarding becomes art. Think about a young guy in art class with no capabilities in drawing or painting. Frustrating, could someone say. What if he could express the art and his style through snowboarding, his favourite hobby?  It is all about style As a…

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What is the job of a travel guide really?

So what does travel guides really do? Everyone has some kind of an idea or picture in their head about what the job as a travel guide is like. They get to live at a exotic destination, swim in the crystal clear sea, party every night and just enjoy the chill life abroad. All this…

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How to start hiking?

Do you like nature and being in ? Have you been hiking? I like to be in nature a lot, that´s why I love hiking. I started the hike thanks to my cousin. She has a lot in Finland and abroad. I get a lot of tips from her about this.  The best thing about…

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TOP 5 food memories abroad

Hello food lovers! Welcome to read about my TOP 5 food memories abroad. In the end I will also share some tips how to create your own food memories.   What kind of eater are you when travelling? Would you rather go safe or are you experimental as I am? Well, how ever you consider…

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My favorite cafés in Rovaniemi and Akita

Hi everyone! I’m Yuiri, an exchange student from Japan. Do you like to study at Starbucks, sipping cappuccino? Or do you like to chat with your friends and do nothing at a local coffee shop?

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Trends in social media

I chose Social media trends and it tells about different trends and how they’re impacting brands. I wanted to choose this subject because I found it very interesting and I use a lot of different ways to communicate like memes, gifs and emojis.    Trends in present Emojis and gifs are very important ways to…

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