Mobile and the next wave of digital disruption

Mobile and the next wave of digital disruption. First of all this text explains you how many people use mobile devices now days and how important they are for everyone, to customers and retailers. Mobile phones are probably the easiest way to approach customers, about two-thirds of population owns their own mobile phone and they…

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How to make sensational event with senses

Great that you found my blog. Today I will talk about webinar of my choice what I needed to watch for this school task. I chose to watch Rinehart´s (2015) webinar called “What designing events for the five senses means”.  If you are interested in event designing, you should watch that webinar and of course…

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The Digital Customer Experience

In this blog post I will talk about a webinar from EU Growth regarding Digital Customer Experience. The reason behind choosing this video to talk about is quite simple. When ever I am searching for a site for a hotel or a future apartment, the first thing I notice is how well the site works…

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Digitaalinen markkinointi osana asiakaskokemuksia

Hei ja tervetuloa blogiini!   Elämme maailmassa, jossa matkailu on suurin toimiala. Nyt ja tulevaisuudessa milleniaalit eli digitaalisuuden ympärille syntynyt sukupolvi ovat pitkälti matkailun tulevaisuus. Unohtamatta tietenkään hieman vanhempaa sukupolvea, jotka ovat muun muassa hyvinvointimatkailun edelläkävijöitä.

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Opportunities of digital marketing

The article explains about the best practices toolkit. In this text can be found a lot of information about  digital marketing. Introduction In this text comes out different marketing tools and it also includes a variety of strategies, channels and tactics. The text also states that travel brands have a lot of different marketing options….

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Customer Journey

Many businesses and organizations have extended their operations online in the past decades. In the age of digitization it is a must if they want to stay relevant and appeal to their customers. A huge percentage of people have access to the Internet nowadays, and many of them go online when they search for products…

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do’s and dont’s on website

Quick summary The topic that I chose was a slideshow of customers needs in digital marketing. This slideshow was made by travel industrys research authorities. The slideshow contained mainly statistics about booking travelings online and what the customers want and do not want from their travel industrys websites. The slideshow was mainly focused on United…

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VKontakte – Russian social media tool

Russian social media tool – introduction VKontakte (English InContact), or VK for short,  is the largest Russian social media tool. Their mission is to connect people, services and companies by creating simple and convenient communication tools. It has gathered already 97 million active daily users. VK itself was founded in 2006 and primarily used as…

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Empathy in customer service

Satisfied with empathy in customer service? Does digital customer service reduce empathy? Did you know that you can experience empathy from effective digital service? What empathy is? In this blog post, I present the results of a consumer survey commissioned by My Customer and Genesys. The study examined how successfully organizations take care of their…

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