Miten selvitä etäopiskelusta?

Ihana, kamala etäopiskelu Covid-19 seurauksena käsitys koulunkäynnistä on muuttunut paljon. Etäopiskelu on tullut tutuksi varmasti kaikille meistä, niin kuin sen monet hyvät sekä huonot puolet.

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Disc Golf the New Ice Hockey?

Hello Dearest of readers! I am Stefan Hakso a 21 (soon to be 22) year old Student living in Lapland, Rovaniemi. I started playing disc golf or frisbee golf around two years ago. At first it was more a thing that I did to hang out with my friends and I didn’t even have my…

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Musiikki osaa voimaannuttaa

Moikka! Mukavaa, että löysit tiesi musiikin mielenkiintoiseen maailmaan. Musiikki on ollut todella suuri osa elämääni aina. Kuuntelen musiikkia tarkalla korvalla lähes koko ajan. Analysoin sekä pohdin muun muassa sanojen, melodian ja kappaleen aiheen merkitystä aika-ajoin todella syvällisestikin. Seuraavaksi kerron miten ja mitä hyötyjä on musiikista voimaantumisella sekä suosituksen hyvin voimaannuttavasta kappaleesta.

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Live streaming

I have been watching live streams since early 2010 when it first started to pop off. ( meaning it started getting more popular ). There used to be only few sites at the early 2010s, the biggest being which is most popular site still to this date. Live streaming is really simple context, you…

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My vacation in Gran Canaria

Hello! I’m going to tell you about my vacation in Gran Canaria a few months ago. I will also tell you how the journey to another country went in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Reaction paper about visual content creation

About the marketer’s crash course in visual content creation Design it yourself, the marketer’s crash course in visual content creation was written by Shannon Johnson and Keith Frankel. The text starts with an explanation, why it is important to invest in the visual side of marketing.(Johnson& Frankel 2022).

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How do you learn to use Snapchat

Snapchat is the app where you can send photos and videos to other people and where you can also chat and call video and phone calls with them. How to start using Snapchat Download the app on your phone, (you can download it from App store or Play store) Create account Verify your account. (An…

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Ylläs – Place to be

I was just a couple months old when I first visited in Ylläs. Since that trip I have been there at least once a year. Many people thinks visitors in Ylläs are only seniors or families with little children. They are correct. But I’m a huge Ylläs fan because of the nature and people in…

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The power of empathy

These days empathy has come very important part of customer service. This joint article by Genesys and MyCustomer tells about empathy in customer service, and how important it is in customer interaction.

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