Australia on my mind

I’ve been traveling a lot since I was a little kid. I’ve lived abroad. Spent my money on travels. Instead of anything else I’d save up for my next trip. You know the lifestyle. But there’s this one very special day I dreamt for a long time and to find out which day it was…

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Digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen luominen

Katsoin vastikään youtubesta webinaarin liittyen digitaaliseen asiakaskokemukseen. Webinaari käsitteli digiaikaan liittyvää asiakaspolkua, asiakaspolun kartoittamista ja mallintamista sekä ostosykliä. Nämä kaikki yhdessä muodostavat siis prosessin, jonka asiakas käy läpi brändin kanssa ensimmäisestä digitaalisesta kohtaamisesta aina ostohetkeen ja asiakassuhteen jatkumiseen ja ylläpitoon asti. Aihe on ajankohtainen ja mielenkiintoinen sekä sopii hyvin yhteen tämänhetkisen opintojaksomme kanssa. Digitaalinen asiakaskokemus…

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Event bride, essential guide, social media for events

Introduction: I have been reading  essential guide, social guide for events and that guide book have helping me to organized even on social media. There have been nine steps and by following those steps everybody can organize event and make it work. On the first section of guide book will opening matters, it will includes…

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CX Trends 2021

Artikkelini käsittelee Covid -19 vaikutusta asiakaskokemus trendeihin. Covid -19:n myötä tuli reaaliaikainen tarve vastata asiakkaiden muuttuviin odotuksiin ja digitaalisiin kokemuksiin. Odotukset ovat muuttuneen toiveista tarpeiksi. Yritysten tarve jatkaa kauppaa ja pysyä toiminnassa kiihdytti innovaatioita. Työntekijöistä ja asiakkaista huolehtiminen on vaatinut yrityksiltä ketteryyttä ja empaattisuutta. Kehityksen on jatkuttava edelleen. Covid -19 myötä yksi tärkeimmistä kehityskohteista on…

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Pieni Karhunkierros – Why should you go there?

Aren’t you an experienced wanderer yet, but you want to challenge yourself a little bit? Do you want to enjoy nature without having to gain years of experience? If you said yes, there would be an alternative to you: The Pieni Karhunkierros in Kuusamo! My name is Henna, and I come from Kuusamo, so I…

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Social Media Trends 2021

The report I chose is focusing on Social Media trends during COVID-19 crisis, which was created by Hubspot and Talkwalker. This report gave detailed statistic on consumer behavior on media platforms during 2020. There is also tips and information for brands to market through media posts. There are 10 main categories that the report is…

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Event bride, essential guide, social media for events

My new blog post is telling and hopefully also helping you how to do event for a social media and also how to choose right  social media base. First in my mind comes that it is easy to do! just follow the instructions and do it!!! no!there is so much more and if you are…

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Throwback: Osaka, Kyoto & Nara, 3 gems of Kansai

2018 December I traveled in Japan this time heading to Kansai area. I was traveling with 2 other friends from French and Argentina who were visiting Japan for the first time. Felt nervous and excited to show them around the country, which I have already fell in love long time ago. Our first destinations would…

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How to start hiking?

Do you like nature and being in ? Have you been hiking? I like to be in nature a lot, that´s why I love hiking. I started the hike thanks to my cousin. She has a lot in Finland and abroad. I get a lot of tips from her about this.  The best thing about…

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