CX Trends 2021

Artikkelini käsittelee Covid -19 vaikutusta asiakaskokemus trendeihin. Covid -19:n myötä tuli reaaliaikainen tarve vastata asiakkaiden muuttuviin odotuksiin ja digitaalisiin kokemuksiin. Odotukset ovat muuttuneen toiveista tarpeiksi. Yritysten tarve jatkaa kauppaa ja pysyä toiminnassa kiihdytti innovaatioita. Työntekijöistä ja asiakkaista huolehtiminen on vaatinut yrityksiltä ketteryyttä ja empaattisuutta. Kehityksen on jatkuttava edelleen. Covid -19 myötä yksi tärkeimmistä kehityskohteista on…

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Social Media Trends 2021

The report I chose is focusing on Social Media trends during COVID-19 crisis, which was created by Hubspot and Talkwalker. This report gave detailed statistic on consumer behavior on media platforms during 2020. There is also tips and information for brands to market through media posts. There are 10 main categories that the report is…

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Studies in the time of Covid-19

When Covid-19 started I was graduating from high school. It was a hard spring for me because a lot of things got cancelled and I had to change plans. I was working as a nanny that autumn because I did not see why I should apply to any school´s because everything was online and I…

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Reaction Paper – New era of travel

New era of travel I read an article Insights for the new world to travel made by Amadeus. The article is about the changes of travel industry because of Covid-19. I highly recommend to read this article if you are working in the travel industry. It gave me ideas that I can use in my…

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