Managing studies can be a hurdle. Here are some hopefully useful tips for you to get you started:

Lists of how to make your studies more effective, part 2.
Image by: the author

Do you have any other suggestions on managing studies? Other than : “Don’t bite more than you can chew.” Have you already used these tools? Working life adds a whole other layer to the whole thing. If you are able to take a break from work, I can recommend that you do so.

Also, did you like my webcomic format? This is how I used to do blogging way back when. I never really wrote long walls of text because I got to do enough of that in school, ha. Studying was way easier then than it is now. But I’m sure I can still do it…Surely, I can…Yes?

And if I can do it, I’m sure that you’ll be able to do it as well. No pain no gain, right?

While you’re here, here’s a link to my other post on this site. It’s not a webcomic this time, but a reaction paper about empathy in video games, with actual typing involved. Also, take a look at what other students have written here.

You might also be interested in Lapland University of Applied Sciences. They can help you get smarter.

marmarh Blogging

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