Picture: Sari S-J, taken in Norway.

Part of the reason I’m studying travel is because I want to travel more—not just as a tourist, but for work. Today, it is possible to work from virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Of course, the work must be such that it can be done completely remotely.

Digital marketing gives the tools

Digital marketing can be a challenging topic for many, and no wonder. I still fall into that category, even though I already know the basics.

But for my dream to come true, for example, I believe that digital skills are essential. Digital marketing involves so much that it is often difficult for a beginner to start with something specific. But it’s good to know that you can start with small steps, such as social media and blog posts.

Some people may think that when using social media, you have to show your own face to create content. But this is not true. There are many ways of working where you can make content without posting pictures where you show your face, such as UGC- creator. And what is that then?

UGC– is User Generated Content. So, in short, it’s customer-generated content about a brand. It can be images, videos, text, product reviews.. And you can already see that to create content like this, you don’t have to show your face- unless you want to (Mealtwater 2022.)

What I need to start online- job?

The Internet is full of information on how to start a job, for example, as a content producer. So I would say if you’re interested, learn the basics and just start trying! When you have a smartphone, many solutions are already in your hand. Research yourself, what kind of content interests you and feel free to try taking pictures, for example. Don’t worry if you fit into some mold or if there’s room for you as a content creator – hey, there are 8 billion people in the world and not everyone makes content in internet and the same as you.

Your best tool for content creation is yourself. Let your imagination run wild and be brave! That is also where I am going to go.

Source: Mealtwater (19.5.2022). Opas käyttäjien luomaan sisältöön: Mitä UGC tarkoittaa? Blog-post. https://www.meltwater.com/fi/blog/kayttajien-luoma-sisalto-mita-ugc-tarkoittaa