Nowadays customers want even better quality services and they expect fast solutions to their problems.

In this blog post we learn what to do to make customers feel that companies and people working in those companies are really interested in their feelings and experiences. My own experiences on customer service has shown that customers are really needy and many times when they come to be served, they already have some thought on their head about how they want to be treated.

The article that i did use to help me wrote this post was more about how to make customer service a more human experience in online or phone situations. The hole subject about customer experience is very important theme in our studies. If we want to be great customer service representatives, first we need to understand what customers want, need and how they act.

In those situations it is even more hard to make it human experience than in face-to-face situations. So let’s dive deeper into customers thoughts, expectations and needs.

And what do customers want?

  1. To everything be easy and fast
  2. Private service
  3. Respect
  4. Understanding
  5. Talk with human, not with machine

Customers expect to be served fast and without waiting. They want that the company to remember them and knows after first contact who they are and what was their problem. And that is easy to understand. If a customer has a problem because the company made a mistake, why would they want to use their own time more than needed to solve it.

The problem might sound very tiny for you as a customer service, but it can be big thing for the customer. And the customer service have to respect that.

And how to manage it?

  1. Make it simple
  2. Listening
  3. Remember and knowing customer
  4. Empathy
  5. To be reachable

Especially doing online customer service you have to really keep it simple and easy. Most customers still want to solve the problem by phone, what makes it a little bit more easy. Example using only chat, it is very hard to manage to make the customer service a more human experience.

In those situations is very important to listen and understand the customer and be reachable. Little things can be very meaningful to customers.

So when we, as a customer services want to make it more human experience one of the most important things is to make the customer feel him/herself important.

And to manage that, the customer service need to have every important piece of information about the customer and their preferencis. When the customer feels that the service truly listens, understands and wants to help it is more easy to create good connection to with the customer.

While reading this article about that i learned how important it is to try to reach that human experience for customers. When the customer is happy and satisfied it is more common that they will remain your customer and recommend your services to more people.

I have seen in my current job very clearly, that if the experience was bad the customer will speak about it way more than about good experiences.

Here is a useful link if you want to know more about this subject:

Customer service vs. customer experience

So let’s keep customers happy and they will make our work easier also!

Thank you for reading and i hope you got something new in your mind!

My sources was the book: How to make customer service a more human experience? Published by Five9.

miia.haukilahti Reaction paper , ,

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