Combining school and work can sometimes be very challenging. However, for many, it is a part of everyday life and something that many students struggle with. That’s why it’s good to plan ahead, for example, the upcoming week, ensuring that all tasks are completed for both work and school. 

Me and my friends at Poronkusema 2023 (photo by random passer by)

The calendar is my best friend

I highly recommend using a calendar to everyone. A method that has worked well for me is to mark all school assignment deadlines in the calendar in advance and plan my week based on them. This way, I aim to do a small part of each assignment every day. In my case, excessive and prolonged study at once is a much less effective approach. I feel that when I do a little bit every day, school doesn’t feel as overwhelming, and I can complete everything on time. This approach also leaves me with some free time to use throughout the day. 

Hospitality Management Studies + Working 

At the moment, I believe I have a relatively ideal situation with the relationship between my work and school. Hospitality management studies offer a lot of flexibility, allowing me to decide when I watch lectures, complete school assignments, and take breaks. 

Additionally, working as a bartender with evening and night shifts leaves me with daytime hours to handle school-related matters. I was already employed at the bar before starting my studies, so I discussed the beginning of my studies with my boss well in advance. We were able to arrange my work schedule in a way that allows me to have a light workweek. Typically, I only have 1-2 shifts per week, enabling better recovery from night shifts and facilitating smoother studying. My work shifts usually fall on the weekends, providing good opportunities to focus on school during the week. Weekends are for resting from school work and working. 

jumetso Blogging ,

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