A little about myself

Hi! My name is Oona, and I am 23 year old student from Kuopio. I have never really tried blogging before, so this is a whole new world to me. First, I can tell you a little bit about myself and then hop on to the topic I want to discuss with you today.  

I’m studying my second year of Bachelor of hospitality management in Lapland University of Applied Sciences. Along my studies I work full time in Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi as a night receptionist. I live with my two cats, Nugetti who is 2,5 years old and Nacho who is almost 1,5 years old. I don’t really have hobbies anymore due to my life being so busy but when I do have time, I enjoy reading and baking. 

My older cat Nugetti
My older cat Nugetti (Photo by Oona Kettunen)

Life with a busy schedule

Then to the topic I wanted to discuss with you today. Life with a busy schedule and the feeling of not being enough. I think life can be really busy as a student alone but combining full time job with it is a whole new level of busy. Past two years have personally been really busy for me and finding time to myself has been a struggle. Also trying to balance work and studies while giving all of you to both places really has took a toll on me.  

Don’t get me wrong. I love my job and I really like studying but the constant feeling of not being enough and not doing enough is haunting me. As I mainly work in night shifts, I’m always home at daytime and you would think I have plenty of time to study. Well, I thought that too but trying to study when you have been up all night and only slept few hours after that isn’t always in my favour. Actually, I have to tell you a secret. I have fell asleep several times in morning lectures just because I haven’t been able to keep my eyes open. Yikes! 

But that’s okay! I’m not a superhuman or a robot. And neither are you!  Sometimes it’s okay just to do the bare minimum. You don’t always have to give your best. You don’t always have to agree to extra work in your workplace. Everything doesn’t always have to be perfect. And I think that has been the biggest lesson I have learned in the past two years.  

Be kind to yourself

I really hope that everyone who is struggling with similar issues will remember to be kind to themselves. Life doesn’t end if you don’t get the best grade from your exam or if you aren’t the employee of the month. The most important thing is to be kind to yourself even when you feel like you are not enough.

Because you are always enough!

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