What is it?

I’m sure many of you are familiar with Youtube but here is some information! Youtube is a video sharing and social media platform owned by Google. It was launched 2005 so it has been one of the most popular platforms for a long time. Youtube was ranked as a second most popular social network in 2023 by monthly active users by Statista.

Photo by Mohamed Hassan form PxHere

How to use it?

Here is a How to use Youtube playlist by Think Media to show you all the basics and more! But basically Youtube is a platform where you can watch, like and comment on videos but you can also create your own content. Using Youtube is free but you can also buy Youtube premium which has features like ad-free videos, music and background play.

Youtube in tourism business

Youtube channel is a great way for tourism companies to share information about who they are and what they offer. Videos can be funny or more informative, you can get creative. Some companies may show behind the scenes content which is a great way to create transparency. Companies can get more visibility with people sharing their videos to their friends, family etc.

Sharing content on Youtube also has the benefit of different age people seeing it not just younger people. Other platforms like Tiktok mainly has younger generation using it but Youtube has been around so long that even +40 age people are more familiar with it.

Target group

According to Global media insight 2023 Youtube had 122 million daily active users. Percentage of users by gender were 54.4% male and 45.6% female. Biggest age group of users is 25-34. On average a user spends 19 minutes 39 seconds on Youtube every day. What kind of content do people watch? Well in 2020 viewers spent 100 billion hours watching gaming content and 72% of people used Youtube to consume fitness content. So Youtube definitely has variety of content and you can find a video for almost everything.

Using ChatGPT?

Using AI can help with creating content but especially if a tourism company uses AI it’s important to mention it and not give people false images or wrong information. Utilizing things like artificial intelligence can give you ideas and help when starting to create content. It’s an easy way to get information. When using for example ChatGPT it informs the user that it may give you inaccurate information so that is something to be aware of!


Communicating in Youtube happens mainly trough commenting and liking on videos. The content creators can answer the comments in videos so there is dialogue with the followers. In order to comment you need to have a google account. You can also have live streams where your followers can comment in real time.


In terms of data ChatGPT listed these things Youtube provides to content creators

  • View counts
  • Watch time
  • Subscribers
  • Demographics
  • Traffic sources
  • Playback locations
  • Engagement metrics
  • Revenue and monetization data
  • Ad performance
  • Real-time analytics

Suggestions and final thoughts

Few good finnish tourism channels is Visit Rovaniemi and Visit Finland. They both share great content about Finland and Lapland. Personally i used to watch a lot more Youtube but like i think with many other young people platforms like Tiktok and Instagram took over. I still watch sometimes mainly cooking videos with my boyfriend like Hard kokki is a funny one i think. But overall i think Youtube is still relevant and it’s a good marketing platform.


Global media Insight



2 Replies

  1. Hieno visualisointi otsikossa. Lisäpisteet kun teksti oli englanniksi. Lisäkuvat olisi ollu kiva.

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