Learning how to blog

In this blog post I’m introducing myself. I’m also going to tell my expectations for the study unit Customer Experience Management in Tourism.

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Dream to work wherever I want

Picture: Sari S-J, taken in Norway. Part of the reason I’m studying travel is because I want to travel more—not just as a tourist, but for work. Today, it is possible to work from virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Of course, the work must be such that it can be done…

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Interested in Internship Exchange Abroad?

If you are interested in doing your internship abroad, but feel a bit unsure of that, you are in a right place! In this blog post I will tell you about my own experience of doing it and I will also give you a provide tips and guidance on how to manage that. I will…

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Hey! Im 37 years old woman and i live in Urjala with my family that include 3 child and husband. We have a little farm and we live by a lake. We also have 4 cats, dog and chickens. My husband is a farmer and I help him with his fieldwork sometimes. I am studying…

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Karttapalvelulla Onnelliseen parisuhteeseen – VanLife

Olen viimeiset kaksi vuotta matkaillut mieheni kanssa ympäri Eurooppaa. Olemme kiertäneet lähes jokaisen maan, monet useampaan kertaan. Kotimme on matkailuauto. Tämä niin rakas, mutta samalla vihan tunteita herättävä Fiat Ducato. Tuo ihana ratsumme on vienyt meitä pitkin maita ja mantuja, mutta myös järjestänyt odottamattomia yllätyksiään, pikku huoltotarpeillaan. Mikäpä sen paremmin nostaisi hymyn huulille, kuin öljyvuoto…

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I am

My name is Hanna and I’m participating on this course called Customer experience management in tourism. I had no idea what this course was about just by seeing the name of it on the timetable, but after seeing the contents, it seems very intriguing.

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Connecting the dots

This blog reaction paper is based on GWI report about megatrends and people behavior study of 2023. The name of the report is: Connecting the dots, wich is pretty clever headline, for this kind of text that gives you helpful information for example as an entrepreneur or as a marketing specialist to connect the dots…

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On the road

Grand Canyon National Park (photo: Tanja Hartikainen) Grand Canyon – the true miracle of Mother Nature. You have heard of it, maybe watched travel videos of it and then one day your biggest dream comes true and you stand on the edge of Grand Canyon and watch the sunset.

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My current life in a nutshell

Who am I? Hello everyone I decided to introduce myself as a first-ever blog post! Let’s start with the basics, so my name is Joel Manninen I’m a 24-year-old student and an entrepreneur living in Rovaniemi, balancing between studies, work, and free time. Glowing Ember I’m a passionate chef and food is in the centerpice…

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