Event Marketing

Bizzabo The Smart Event Marketing Playbook takes the reader trough every step from what is event marketing to how to exploit it in different forms. This article really covers all the basics but still goes in depth with especially how to create a connection with the customer. There is many subjects that caught my eye…

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Wish I Was There – New Orleans

Why New Orleans? I have always been fond of New Orleans, especially the food culture in it. Since a little kid, I knew I wanted to be a chef and from really early on, I have been interested about the soul food. Visiting the The Big Easy has been on my bucket list ever since….

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“Dreams do come true” a cliché or a decision ?

Introductions Hi! My name is Inka I am 20 years old and I live in Oulu. Blogging is totally new to me and to be honest a bit exciting. It’s nice to try something completely new that I probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. My own home For such a long time I dreamed of moving…

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Yksilöllisen asiakaskokemuksen merkitys ryhmämatkalla

Miten huolehditaan siitä että myös ryhmämatkalla oleva matkustaja tulee kohdatuksi henkilökohtaisesti kohteessa, ja onko sillä oikeastaan edes väliä? Amadeuksen raporttisarjan osassa ‘Delivering on Group Personalization. The new rule book for executing and enhancing your group’s guest experiences’ käsitellään tätä aihetta hyvinkin käytännönläheisestä kulmasta. Tämä onkin tärkeä aihe tämän päivän matkailussa, sillä ihmiset eivät enää minkäänlaisilla…

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Yöunet Ennen pelipäivää yöunet täytyy olla hyvät, jotta pelissä jaksaa juosta. Nukkumaan on hyvä mennä hyvissä ajoin, jotta herää pirteänä pelipäivään. Menen nukkumaan n klo 23 ja herään aamulla 7.30, joten tosi hyvät unet sain otettua. Aamupala Urheilijalle liikunnan tärkeyden lisäksi on tärkeä pitää huolta hyvästä ravitsemuksesta. Pelipäivän aamupalaan kuuluu hyviä hiilareita puuron muodossa ja…

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The Tour Operator’s Guide to Online Marketing

Customer data Market research is important because by collecting customer data you eliminate assumptions and because of that you save time. The first step according to the guide is to define your hypotheses. For example think about yous customers profile and your major competitors. In my opinion this is really important because by knowing your…

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What is the future of Tourism?

This blog post is a reflection of the The Future of Tourism trend report from 2021. The focus of the report was in the trends and insights of tourism, what are travelers looking for in the future. Unique experiences, digitalization, safety (after Covid-19) or something else?

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Dream to work wherever I want

Picture: Sari S-J, taken in Norway. Part of the reason I’m studying travel is because I want to travel more—not just as a tourist, but for work. Today, it is possible to work from virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Of course, the work must be such that it can be done…

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Connecting the dots

This blog reaction paper is based on GWI report about megatrends and people behavior study of 2023. The name of the report is: Connecting the dots, wich is pretty clever headline, for this kind of text that gives you helpful information for example as an entrepreneur or as a marketing specialist to connect the dots…

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My current life in a nutshell

Who am I? Hello everyone I decided to introduce myself as a first-ever blog post! Let’s start with the basics, so my name is Joel Manninen I’m a 24-year-old student and an entrepreneur living in Rovaniemi, balancing between studies, work, and free time. Glowing Ember I’m a passionate chef and food is in the centerpice…

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