Funnelize Your Digital Marketing

How can a company increase its value with digital marketing? What things should they pay attention on? Digital marketing is changing all the time so it’s important to keep up with the time and trends. This Google’s video taught me the basics of digital marketing, marketing funnel and how it’s connected to the customer journey….

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What are the best tools for digital marketing in the travel industry?

In the modern era, there are several different methods of digital marketing. Digital marketing is constantly growing, while printed advertising is decreasing due to its significant cost and targeting an increasingly narrow audience, as fewer people subscribe to printed newspapers and magazines, for example. Digital marketing allows for easier targeting of specific customer groups through…

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Delivering the Next-Generation Customer Experience

Customer experience is becoming increasingly crucial for both customers and businesses. Third-party contact centers strive to provide superior customer service, recognizing the rising demands of customers. Maintaining strong customer relations is essential for brands. Delivering a next-generation customer experience is and should be one of the main goals of a company seeking to improve its…

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Amadeus Delivering on Group Personalization

The first part dealt with the wishes of tourists. It is no longer just a journey that is desired, but a journey that must be personalization for them. Personalization travel has become a buzzword. Tourists are looking for accommodation and travel attendant providers who can meet their needs and are willing to pay for this…

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Matkailuala muuttuu – henkilöstön merkitys tulevaisuudessa

Amadeuksen raporttisarjassa (“Insights for The New World of Travel”), käsitellään matkailun tulevaisuutta matkanmyyjien näkökulmasta. Matkailuala muuttuu, mutta kuinka pysyä muutoksen tahdissa? Raporttisarja on kooste useasta raportista, jotka käsittelevät tärkeitä strategisia alueita, eri aihepiirien avulla (Amadeus 2021). Yksi selkeimmin havaittavista, matkailualan muutokseen vaikuttaneista tekijöistä oli COVID-19 pandemia. Alantoimijoiden vaikeudet olivat viime vuosina selvästi nähtävissä, niin suljettuina…

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How will the megatrends look in 2025 in the tourism industry?

This is my reaction paper about Skift megatrends 2025 is a megatrend forecast for the year 2025, including counterparts for each written scenario. It explores the future scenarios how the tourism field could have developed after rough pandemic years. The study unit themes come up in the future trends regarding the digital operating environment, for…

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Connecting the dots

This blog reaction paper is based on GWI report about megatrends and people behavior study of 2023. The name of the report is: Connecting the dots, wich is pretty clever headline, for this kind of text that gives you helpful information for example as an entrepreneur or as a marketing specialist to connect the dots…

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Empathy in Customer Service

Today, when people are more stressed than ever, customer service empathy becomes very important. But at the same time, increasing digital communication is reducing it because it lacks human interaction and it’s important to understand that being empathetic isn’t the same as being polite. (MyCustomer n.d.). Personally, I like to meet the customer service representative…

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How to be the best virtual event organizer?

I chose the topic for my blog post, which guides the successful organization of virtual events. The blog post was published by Kaltura in 2022, and its title is “The 2023 Guide to Virtual Events.” The post extensively covered aspects such as how to engage people during the event, what virtual events are, and what…

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Creating consumer insight

This blog post is about creating consumer insight. It handles topics such who are today’s consumers, how they behave and how to reach them. It has been interesting to learn how much research has been done to show for example, how many percentages of people uses social media. In my current studies this has been…

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