Cats are independent and intelligent creatures. Most cats that I know are quiet but Rontti is not one of those cats. She has a lot to say.

Her shouting. (photo: me)

When I come home or anyone comes to visit, Rontti needs to tell everyone about her day. She has a lot of opinion regardless of the subject. When someone is cooking she comes running and tells how she wants food too. Besides from talking her other favorite thing is food.

Rontti enjoying a snack. (video: me)

Rontti has normal kibbles as her everyday food. She also has wet food but not everyday. Besides from that she gets treats every now and then. She has her own cat treats but she also gets “human food” treats sometimes. She especially enjoys wiener and cheese. But she eats pretty much everything that you would give her.

If you give Rontti a treat with your fingers she does this T-Rex stand as seen in the video. She has such a good balance. Normally I put the treats in her food bowl.

Rontti is loving and affectionate

She enjoys her own time and sleeps a lot. She has this white fluffy cat bed under my bed where she hides and sleeps. Other than that she normally hangs out in her cat tree.

When she wants pets she comes to you and asks for them.

Her being adorable. (video: me)

She likes to be on my lap or in my arms. When I’m carrying her the only minus is the fact that she tries to do biscuits from my shoulder.


Even tho she is really lazy and spends most of her time sleeping, she has to use her energy.

Using my blanket for warmth but ended up violating it. (video: me)

She normally plays by herself by running around and doing all sorts of weird things.

Thank you for reading about my cat.

elnap Blogging ,

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