Get to know me

Some info about me My name is Roosa and i am 21 years old student from Rovaniemi. I am a second year student at Lapland university of applied sciences. I have previously studied tourism so i decided to continue with that path. Some days i am doubting if i am happy with my study choices….

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Wish I Was There – New Orleans

Why New Orleans? I have always been fond of New Orleans, especially the food culture in it. Since a little kid, I knew I wanted to be a chef and from really early on, I have been interested about the soul food. Visiting the The Big Easy has been on my bucket list ever since….

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Travelling at Home

Yes that is possible in this modern world we live in. There are many ways to experience different kind of locations, but is it the same if you go there specifically or if you sit there in your armchair? I don’t think so but I think that it’s a good way to experience places that…

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“Dreams do come true” a cliché or a decision ?

Introductions Hi! My name is Inka I am 20 years old and I live in Oulu. Blogging is totally new to me and to be honest a bit exciting. It’s nice to try something completely new that I probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. My own home For such a long time I dreamed of moving…

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What should I know about the Northern lights when hunting them?

You already might know that the mystical northern lights are not as easy to catch as some might think. There are certain things that you might want to know when hunting them and when booking excursions from travel companies in Lapland. When I worked in travel industry I often came across to many questions regarding…

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Everyday balance

Combining school and work can sometimes be very challenging. However, for many, it is a part of everyday life and something that many students struggle with. That’s why it’s good to plan ahead, for example, the upcoming week, ensuring that all tasks are completed for both work and school.  The calendar is my best friend…

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Yksilöllisen asiakaskokemuksen merkitys ryhmämatkalla

Miten huolehditaan siitä että myös ryhmämatkalla oleva matkustaja tulee kohdatuksi henkilökohtaisesti kohteessa, ja onko sillä oikeastaan edes väliä? Amadeuksen raporttisarjan osassa ‘Delivering on Group Personalization. The new rule book for executing and enhancing your group’s guest experiences’ käsitellään tätä aihetta hyvinkin käytännönläheisestä kulmasta. Tämä onkin tärkeä aihe tämän päivän matkailussa, sillä ihmiset eivät enää minkäänlaisilla…

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Yöunet Ennen pelipäivää yöunet täytyy olla hyvät, jotta pelissä jaksaa juosta. Nukkumaan on hyvä mennä hyvissä ajoin, jotta herää pirteänä pelipäivään. Menen nukkumaan n klo 23 ja herään aamulla 7.30, joten tosi hyvät unet sain otettua. Aamupala Urheilijalle liikunnan tärkeyden lisäksi on tärkeä pitää huolta hyvästä ravitsemuksesta. Pelipäivän aamupalaan kuuluu hyviä hiilareita puuron muodossa ja…

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The Tour Operator’s Guide to Online Marketing

Customer data Market research is important because by collecting customer data you eliminate assumptions and because of that you save time. The first step according to the guide is to define your hypotheses. For example think about yous customers profile and your major competitors. In my opinion this is really important because by knowing your…

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Studying and working

I wanted to write a blog post about studying and working at the same time, because I think it’s very interesting topic and concerns about me at the moment and many others too. It’s never too late to get inspired about studying. But how it is managed, studying while working?

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