Seattle – Yhdysvaltojen smaradgikaupunki

Matkustaminen on ollut aina yksi suuri intohimoni.  Matkustaminen tarvitsee budjetin lisäksi, myös kärsivällisyyttä ja asioiden selvittämistä etukäteen. Tosin on ollut tilanteita, etten ole ottanut kaikkea huomioon mutta se on ollut myös osa reissukokemusta😊 Seattle on n. 4 miljoonan asukkaan kaupunki, joka sijaitsee Washingtonin osavaltiossa 180 km Kanadan ja Yhdysvaltojen rajalta etelään. Seattlessa sataa noin 9kk…

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Dream to work wherever I want

Picture: Sari S-J, taken in Norway. Part of the reason I’m studying travel is because I want to travel more—not just as a tourist, but for work. Today, it is possible to work from virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Of course, the work must be such that it can be done…

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What are the best tools for digital marketing in the travel industry?

In the modern era, there are several different methods of digital marketing. Digital marketing is constantly growing, while printed advertising is decreasing due to its significant cost and targeting an increasingly narrow audience, as fewer people subscribe to printed newspapers and magazines, for example. Digital marketing allows for easier targeting of specific customer groups through…

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Creating consumer insight

This blog post is about creating consumer insight. It handles topics such who are today’s consumers, how they behave and how to reach them. It has been interesting to learn how much research has been done to show for example, how many percentages of people uses social media. In my current studies this has been…

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Experiences: Social Media Trends Report

This report tells about social media and its trends. What is the most popular platform and how you should use it. Report got my eye immediately, because digital marketing has become very important in business world and this report helps me understand about trends in social media. It’s also related very closely to my studies…

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