
LinkedIn for Business LinkedIn is a marketing tool for any business, particularly in the B2B relations. It provides business with a professional digital presence and an opportunity for brand to be seen by millions of members and businesses. LinkedIn is an excellent lead-generation platform that helps business connect with target customers and reach the people who can most…

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What should I know about the Northern lights when hunting them?

You already might know that the mystical northern lights are not as easy to catch as some might think. There are certain things that you might want to know when hunting them and when booking excursions from travel companies in Lapland. When I worked in travel industry I often came across to many questions regarding…

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Everyday balance

Combining school and work can sometimes be very challenging. However, for many, it is a part of everyday life and something that many students struggle with. That’s why it’s good to plan ahead, for example, the upcoming week, ensuring that all tasks are completed for both work and school.  The calendar is my best friend…

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Studying and working

I wanted to write a blog post about studying and working at the same time, because I think it’s very interesting topic and concerns about me at the moment and many others too. It’s never too late to get inspired about studying. But how it is managed, studying while working?

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Dream to work wherever I want

Picture: Sari S-J, taken in Norway. Part of the reason I’m studying travel is because I want to travel more—not just as a tourist, but for work. Today, it is possible to work from virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Of course, the work must be such that it can be done…

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