How to start blogging?

Let’s first discuss what you can remember from your second-year studies!

Notice that in the title, Heading 2 was used. In the following, a numbered list is used.  These both affect SEO.

  1. In the dashboard, choose Posts -> Add New Post
  2. Write a descriptive title to your post. Notice that it becomes a permalink, which you can edit if needed.
  3. Look into the Publish and Format boxes on the right. What can you do there?
  4. Remember to select the category for your post.
    • 1st post: About us
    • 2nd post: Pre-experience
    • 3rd post: Post-experience.
  5. Use at least those tags that we have together agreed to use.
  6. Look at the toolbar below the posttitle. toolbar
    Click the icon on the right to access the second row.
  7. Especially learn to use numbered and bulleted lists, “Insert Read More tag”, “Insert/edit link”, Paragraph, Heading 1, Heading2 styles.
  8. Write your first blog post telling who you are and what your expectations are concerning the study unit.
    (Next there is “Insert Read More” tag. How does it affect the post?)

How to embed Media?

    1. First rename your photo for example like this: reflections_Virikkolampi.jpg
    2. Click Add Media above the blog post toolbar.
    3. Upload the file.
    4. Edit the title, caption and Alt text at least.
    5. Click the image, right-click-open image in new tab. What is the address of your image?
    6. Bottom-right you can set this as a Featured Image.
Pieskänjupukka lookout in Pello. A dog sitting on a rock, a lake in the distance.
Pieskänjupukka lookout in Pello

(The video is automatically embedded in this size because of the settings made in “Check my general Youtube embedding instructions and settings”)

Tips for good blog posts

  • Title: short, interesting, even provocative, SEO. Questions, series work well.
  • Body text: your viewpoint. Interesting, current, thought-provoking.
    • What, where, when, how, why and/or who?
  • Facts and own experiences and thoughts.
    • Sources as hyperlinks.
  • At least one photo
    • Remember copy-right issues!
  • Links to further information and sources.
  • Call to action (CTA)
  • Coffee-cup model – most important first, background info at the end
    • AIDA
  • Headings, subheadings
  • KISS
    • Paragraph length 3-4 lines.
  • Be yourself.
  • boldface, italics, CAPITALS
  • Good length?
  • Use the Yoast SEO to optimize your post.

Use the blogging checklist before publishing!

outik General

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