Hello, my name is Pham Duy Bao; everyone calls me Jun. I am a young man who is growing up and discovering himself. Let me first share my journey with you!

Image of a 21 year old boy.
When Jun is 21.

Back to the good old days of the journey!

After 18 years of life encapsulated from home to high school, the day I got on a plane to study abroad was when I came out of the bubble and realized this world was too big.  Away from my parents, I bewilderedly wondered what I do now, where to go. But then I realized: Not knowing what to do or where to go means that I can do anything and go anywhere from today!

High school student life in Vietnam
The life of an 18 years old boy in Saigon, Vietnam.

My study abroad life so far is only two years. I studied at Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland, for one year and then went to Germany as an exchange student at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The independent life of a Vietnamese child growing up from the culture of relying and depending on parents for everything was complicated initially. But I insist that all efforts are worth it. Even if I live in a country other than Vietnam in the future, Rovaniemi will always be my second home. If you intend to study abroad anywhere or especially in Finland, start it as soon as possible. Meeting friends from many different countries, getting access to one of the top educations, learning how to live independently as an adult are some of the best things I have received.

Scene from the plane window
My very first flight to Finland.

Great things come from difficulties

I do not know if you wonder why I said that my study abroad life is only two years. I came back to Vietnam with the intention of a short-term family visit and return to Finland in winter 2020. However, because of the global pandemic Covid-19. During a long period of witnessing the country’s image struggling against the epidemic, I feel very grateful to those on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic worldwide who have sacrificed for everyone. Therefore, besides distance learning, after ending my home self-quarantine time, I dedicated myself to volunteer work supporting against the pandemic.

Group of amazing people work against pandemic
Volunteer activities.

The end for a new start of the journey

After more than three years, I am in the process of completing my final year at Lapland UAS remotely. I hope I can study well in the last subjects and finish my thesis on time. I plan to live in a new country and continue my master’s degree after graduation. Life is an adventure, and youth is a gift.

Let’s share the journey to explore the world and become a better version of yourself with us here!



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