Dreaming about
I have been generally interested in the outdoors and wilderness for some years now and over the past few years my fever has been even stronger to learn more about this lifestyle. Despite being a social butterfly and always having some kind of plans I generally love to spend long hours outdoors and do adventures in new places.
An adventure without social media
Since covid-19 started and after spending most of my studying or free time online I have been really appreciating the time when I don`t look at computer or phone screens and since I love to challenge myself I have been wanting to do hiking trips where with only nature and learning new skills from there. If my current work and school would allow it I would like to do a longer expedition.
I don`t think that I am quite ready for a whole wildlife factor and therefore I would like to have more hobbies related to learning these skills. Even with traveling, I prefer locations where I could be as close to nature as possible rather than a big city.
Outdoor activity’s health benefits
What I have learned as well is that the people who spend more time outside with outdoor activities are healthier than people who spend more time indoors. I have also noticed that when I used to have more outdoor hobbies I was almost never sick and even with work I feel like I have been sick much more often since working with customer service indoors.
I think that we get the best version of ourselves when go outside of our comfort zones to try new things. These hobbies have also the potential to be part of our lifestyles in the long run and we can enjoy them and our ages don`t matter. In the future, I grave new challenges and new adventures with practical skills learned at the same time. I you have any recommendations for outdoor-related hobbies I would love to hear more about those.