
Standard package (1-month subscription, starting at 520€/month)

  • Biweekly consultations for executive-level employees
  • Workplace ergonomics/well-being analysis and optimisation
  • General weekly additional services of well-being
  • 1 recreational activity day for the whole company or selected employees

Standard package II (6-month subscription, starting at 705€/month)

  • Face to face consultation (4-8 hours per month)
  • A trial for our data collection software
  • 2 recreational activity days/weekends for the whole company or selected employees (during the 6-month subscription)

Advanced package (6-month subscription, starting at 1150€/month)

  • Advances software for employees:
    • performance data analysis + comprehensive AI software
    • specialists’ suggestions on improving employee well-being
  • Detailed solutions to boost business performance and employees’ happiness
  • Tailored recreational activities based on needs
  • All the benefits are discussed privately!

Software (Individualised plans, included in other packages)

  • Average disturbance rate tracking & measuring what employees perform best in what hours
  • The software automatically optimises their schedules
    • employees get shifts based on their best performance levels
    • offers breaks based on their profile

We also offer additional packages. You can see them here!