What did you learn about your home group article?

I learned  how socıal medıa marketing be useful for customers and company and what is the good way to make a difference style  on socıal medıa because alltime we need put somethıng dıfferent for focus the customer and we can contact easy way to wıth our customers and put some hashtag begın our post for when customer goıng search what they need and lookıng for somethıng  they care.  It makes  easy search and alot of way to use  for example (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Infographic, Google Analytics, Hashtag, Tin Eye)  thats all about create new market place they can find every imformations about us that they need.

What were the main points your home group came up to?

To daveloping word everything is going to technolgy, technology is grow up on marketing area so every work shops should use but it is for at the momment for future we say work shops must use every technology facilities what we can use for our business.



Did you disagree in some points with your group members?

I agree  with our grup members about everyting that we put on paper.


What did you learn about the other groups’ issues?

I have visit other  group I learned somethıng from them  how they goıng to work wıth their own topic and what is the issues.

When they get imformatıons from the them customer all tıme they not get rigt imformatıons  from them customers because ıt is not  clear  imformatıons they can not be sure about customers  answer .

And  another important  point  how much customer gıve the answer to our form to what they tell us or they just do ıt and pass ıt ıs not ımportant thing for them and   how much they care about our  analytic knowledge.


How did you like Learning Café as a learning method?

I like the thats way for learn because we done ourself our topic and we had visit other group to another group it makes a good and quıck learn because other group members told me how they working and so I learned a lot of thıng from other group.