Safety Technology

A properly designed, installed and maintained security technology solution plays a key role in protecting your company’s operations and its continuity. It protects all important values ​​of your company – personnel, material, information and reputation. 

As a passionate supplier of security services, we have a wealth of knowledge on what kind of overall solutions work best in different operating environments.


Camera surveillance System

Camera surveillance is an important part of monitoring your company’s premises. Surveillance cameras help in both real-time monitoring and post-review of situations. With warning signs and stickers, they prevent vandalism and break-ins. A well-designed and implemented camera system is an invaluable part of ensuring your company’s security.

Access control System

Access control of people moving around your company’s area or property can be implemented with security services, technical solutions or a combination of these. The access control system is used to guide, monitor and limit the movement of outsiders and employees of your own organization in controlled areas.



Fire & Alarm systems

A properly designed and installed fire system protects your company from loss of property. The combination of a fire reporting system and fire equipment forms the best whole for protecting your company.

Security complete solution

An overall security services solution that can consist of one or more security services and various technical systems. It ensures you a correctly measured amount of service and technology with one contract without tying up capital. The security solutions service contract includes the technology investment, the system maintenance contract, and the necessary security services.