Risk management – an essential part of safety management

Open the Risk management tool

The purpose of risk management is preventing dangers to persons, environment and production.
Risk assessment and management includes:

  • Identifying the dangers involved in the operations, the situations in which they may occur and the potential accidents or injuries which they may lead to.
  • Planning measures for eliminating the dangers, mitigating the risks and preventing accidents and injuries
  • Preparing for exceptional circumstances and creating a readiness to respond to potential accidents.

Many laws require risk management procedures. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the employer must identify the hazards due to the work. If the hazards cannot be eliminated, their significance in terms of employee safety must be assessed. Furthermore, the Consumer Safety Act specifies that the service provider must assess the risks related to a consumer service. Risk assessment in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Consumer Safety Act can be made at the same time, which saves time and effort. This way, the risk assessment and the safety document are naturally combined under one document. Update the risk assessment whenever there are significant changes in the services. Check the validity of the risk assessment on a yearly basis.

Self-supervision tool – comprehensive management and assessment of safety

Open the Self-supervision tool

The self-supervision tool combines the obligations and requirements of the legislation used on the website. You can use the tool for evaluating your operations against the requirements by the authorities on a three-step scale:

  • The first step does not meet the legal requirements, and further work on safety is needed.
  • The second step meets the minimum legal requirements, and further development is often recommended.
  • At the third step, the business goes beyond the legal requirements and safety is a natural part of the daily operations.

The evaluation starts at the general aspects that are common to all fields and progresses to field-specific requirements, which you can ignore if they are not applicable to your business. The objective is to have a realistic estimate of the level of your operations and use the result as a basis for further development.

Fill in, save and print the document and enclose it with your own safety documentation!