ASE, Arctic Smartness Excellence

  • Implementation period: 2/2016-2/2018
  • Lead Partner: University of Lapland
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund
  • Budget: about 350 000 €
  • Outcomes: The activities of ASP clusters become established and the project measures have formed a provincial Arctic Smartness Excellence (ASE) Competence Centre. The ASE project enhances the cooperation rising from the cluster needs, creates Lappish practices to renew cooperation between business life and intermediary organizations and improves intra- and cross-cluster competences. During the ASE project the actors’ international competences and networking have been strengthened, and a larger, region-based international cooperation forum has been formed.


REILA reittimerkinnät turvallisiksi, pilottialueena Lappi – REILA Safety of Route Markings with Lapland as Pilot Area

  • Implementation period: 6/2015-1/2018
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund
  • Budget: 407 680 € (669 880 €)
  • Outcomes: To draw up nationally approved instructions for emergency and location signage along nature trails. Also, instructions for safe and customer-oriented route markings are drawn up. The municipalities taking part in the project also receive risk assessments on their routes, and route marking plans based on the assessment. Other outcomes are a network description of regional and national actors and their roles, a survey on the hindrances to and potential of the multiuse of the routes, and a proposal to observe safety and security issues in mobile phone navigation service. The project will create a database of safe route markings and agree on its maintenance and updating.


Osallistavalla johtamisella hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta – Levi-Ylläs-Ruka
Wellbeing and safety with participatory management – Levi-Ylläs-Ruka

  • Implementation period: 1/2016-12/2017
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: The Finnish Work Environment Fund
  • Budget: 59 850 € (115 970 €)
  • Outcomes:
  1. Current information on the status of wellbeing and safety at work in each ski resort.
  2. Occupational risk assessment and management in everyday work (documentation, examination of work methods) together with the employer
  3. Development plans for ski resorts
  4. Tools for managing wellbeing and safety at work (electronic documentation, self-assessment of work load)
  5. Strengthened cooperation network: occupational safety and health authorities, occupational health services, ski resort enterprises, employers’ organizations, trade unions, municipality
  6. Manual on wellbeing and safety at work
  7. Grounds for developing a performance-related pay system


ELMA Eläinten hyvinvointi matkailupalveluissa – ELMA Animal welfare in tourism services

  • Implementation period: 1/2016-12/2017
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
  • Budget: 192 284 € (358 444 € )
  • Outcomes: To produce information and instructions on the feeding, care and handling of animals related to their use in tourism services. The information is disseminated in written form, such as articles and guides, and digitally as videos and e-guides. Information is also disseminated in briefings and trainings on feeding and handling tourism animals as well as capitalizing on animal welfare.


Arctic Rescue Guide

  • Implementation period: 2/2016-2/2017
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: The Finnish Work Environment Fund
  • Budget: 84 150 € (102 750€)
  • Outcomes: To create an Arctic Rescue Guide training programme consisting of virtually implemented theory modules and familiarization trainings in companies.


LUC turvallisuuden ennakoivan TKI-ohjelman rakentaminen –
LUC creating a proactive safety and security RDI programme

  • Implementation period: 5/2015-9/2016
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund
  • Budget: 55 072 € (78 012 €)
  • Outcomes: Proactive, multisectoral research and development programme (RDI programme) outlining research and development activities, and a futures panes on safety and security.


Mermaid, Merenkulun ja matkailun riskien ja mahdollisuuksien identifiointi arktisella alueella – MERMAID Identifying Risks and Opportunities for Marine Transport and Tourism in the Arctic

  • Implementation period: 1/2015 – 2/2016
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: Valtioneuvoston Selvitys- ja Tutkimusmäärärahat (VNK)
    (Government’s Analysis, Assessment and Research Funding)
  • Budget: 18 000 € (200 000 €)
  • Outcomes: The project supported the implementation planning of Finland’s Strategy for the Arctic (2013). The project outcomes improved Finland’s possibilities to act responsibly in the Arctic region and to benefit from the economic opportunities brought on by the development in the region. For Finland the project produced relevant scenarios on the economic, social and political development in the Arctic; predicted trends in the region that is of utmost importance for Russia; and tested the hypotheses through a wide international network of experts; estimated how Finland can reduce the threats and risks in the region with foreign, trade and innovation policy activities; and evaluated solution models and measures relevant to Finland.


Combat measures against human trafficking in the tourist industry – COMBAT

  • Implementation period: 9/2014-10/2016
  • Lead Partner: Oxford Brookes University (UK)
  • Funding programme: DG Justice and Home Affairs, Prevention of and Fight Against Crime Programme of the European union
  • Budget: 78 511  € (327 254 €)
  • Outcomes: The project Combat Human Trafficking (funded by DG JHA, Prevention of and Fight Against Crime Programme of the European Union, 2014-2016) produced a toolkit for the hospitality industry, designed to help hotels proactively fight human trafficking by helping them to identify potential signals of trafficking throughout the ‘victim’s journey’ and erect barriers to combat trafficking. The Combat toolkit is a key output from a 2-year research project funded with the support of the European Commission.  The research was conducted by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from Oxford Brookes University, and the University of West London in the UK, the Lapland University of Applied Sciences in Finland, and the Ratiu Foundation for Democracy in Romania.
  • Download COMBAT project toolkit against human trafficking in the tourist industry. Click this link!


Arctic Smartness Portfolio (ASP)

  • Implementation period: 7-12/2015
  • Lead Partner: Regional Council of Lapland
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund
  • Budget: n. 85 000 €
  • Outcomes: Furthering Arctic Industry and Circular Economy, Arctic Smart Rural Community, Arctic Design, Arctic Development Environments, Arctic Safety. The project also creates a versatile Lapland portfolio to contribute to networking and acquisition of separate funding. The portfolio gathers information on Lapland to promote international visibility and networking to help with the acquisition of separate funding and international partnerships.


Matkailun turvallisuutta ja onnettomuuksien torjuntaa edistävät harjoitukset
Trainings to improve tourism safety and security as well as accident prevention

  • Implementation period: 2014
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: Fire Protection Fund
  • Budget: 19 000 €


Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland – training, network and foresight

  • Implementation period: 1.6.2009 – 28.2.2011
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Social Fund, ELY Centre for Lapland
  • Outcomes: Started trainings and network creation concerning Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland, and created a foresight model. Piloted safety and security training in Salla and Saariselkä. Created a tourism crisis management manual for the use of tourism enterprises and experts.


Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland – research and development network

  • Implementation period: 1.7.2010 – 31.12.2012
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund, Regional Council of Lapland
  • Outcomes: Created an R&D operations model, REIDAR Tourism Safety Research and Innovation Data Resources


Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland – competence and service structures

  • Implementation period: 1.4.2011 – 31.12.2013
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Social Fund, ELY Centre for Lapland
  • Outcomes: Creating a tourism safety and security network for all tourism regions in Lapland. Strengthening the safety and security network in tourism regions together with enterprises, authorities, organizations and educational institutions. Agreement on permanent practices.

Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland – European Dimension on Tourism Safety and Security

  • Implementation period: 1.3.2012 – 31.12.2014
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Social Fund, ELY Centre for Lapland, national funding
  • Outcomes: Creating an international tourism safety and security network, upgrading tourism safety and security competences to EU level, integrating the Lappish operations model to Finland’s Strategy for the Arctic Region.

Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland – safety standards and network stability

  • Implementation period: 1.9.2012 – 30.4.2015
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund, Regional Council of Lapland
  • Outcomes: Created the website The project has improved competences in tourism and safety research and studies, and increased connections between educational institutions, authorities and industry.


Small, medium-sized and micro companies and tourism safety and security

  • Implementation period: 1.10.2013 – 30.4.2015
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund, Regional Council of Lapland
  • Outcomes: The project created a training model, the contents of which were based on long-term multi-field cooperation in the previous projects on tourism safety and security in Lapland. The model includes two company trainings and one training session. The first company training concentrated on updating the company’s safety documentation and improving risk management. The second company training ensured that the safety documentation is put into practice. The third was a joint training on contract and responsibility issues and the value chain.

Impacts of visa free travel in the north

  • Implementation period: 1.8.2013 – 31.12.2014
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: European Regional Development Fund, Regional Council of Lapland
  • Budget: 50 000€
  • Outcomes: The project Impacts of visa free travel in the north – Viva North (2013-2014, ERDF) studied the impacts of visa free travel in Lapland. The pilot area for the project was the municipality of Salla. The project modelled a method to study the impacts of visa free travel, and thus a similar study may be conducted also in other regions. The project produced a business-oriented study on the impacts of visa free travel to tourism industry, and collected and analysed estimates of the actors in the area on the impacts of visa free travel between the EU and Russia.


Matkailun turvallisuusjohtamisen oppisopimustyyppinen 30 op
Tourism safety and security management – apprenticeship-type training programme 30 ECTS

  • Implementation period: 2013
  • Lead Partner: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Multidimensional Tourism Institute – MTI
  • Funding programme: Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Budget: 65 000 €


Ylläksen turvallisuus- ja ympäristöpainotteinen  laadunkehittämiskokonaisuus
Ylläs quality development programme with emphasis on safety and security as well as environment

  • Implementation period: 12.5.2008 – 28.2.2011
  • Lead Partner: University of Lapland
  • Funding programme: European Social Fund, ELY Centre for Lapland
  • Outcomes: Developed competences on quality, environment, safety and security, and accessibility in the Ylläs tourism region, and learnt from best practices. Created common practices to cooperation with authorities, quality development and safety and security work.

Porotilamatkailu – laadulla tulosta
Reindeer farm tourism – quality makes good results

  • Implementation period: 2008 – 2011
  • Lead Partner: University of Lapland
  • Funding programme: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
  • Budget: 50 000€
  • Outcomes: Training reindeer farm tourism entrepreneurs in drawing up quality instructions. Company-based quality maps promote the operating conditions and competitiveness of the enterprises.


Koiravaljakkoyritykset laadulla menestykseen
Sledge dog companies – quality leads to success

  • Implementation period: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2012
  • Lead Partner: University of Lapland
  • Funding programme: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
  • Budget: 71 050€
  • Outcomes: Sledge dog and reindeer farm entrepreneurs cooperate a lot, since often customers wants to go on both sledge dog and reindeer safaris. The safety and security work conducted in the ongoing reindeer farm tourism quality project is to be utilized in the sledge dog project. A significant part have been the rescue trainings and especially practicing cold protection. Quality as well as safety and security requirements need to be met in all company activities every day, in all situations and in changing natural conditions. The project also invests in animal welfare and safety. The quality work improves the image of the sledge dog companies involved in the project.

Matkailukäytössä olevien maastoajoneuvojen turvallisuus – esiselvityshanke
Safety of off-road vehicles used in tourism – preliminary study project

  • Implementation period: 1.10.2011 – 30.6.2013
  • Lead partner: Rovaniemi Municipal Federation of Education, Department of Technology
  • Funding programme: Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
  • Budget: Actual public funding 44 770 €
  • Outcomes: The project prepares an international development programme connected with off-road vehicle safety. The project opens the problematics connected with the topic on the basis of the facts found during the project, and on that basis draws up an international project.


Matkailijan ja matkailualan työntekijän suojautuminen ja turvallisuus, MatkaSuTu
Protection and safety of travellers and tourism workers

  • Implementation period: 1.5.2009 – 30.11.2012
  • Lead partner: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
  • Funding programme: European Social Fund, ELY Centre for North Ostrobothnia
  • Budget: Actual public funding 246 €
  • Outcomes: Increase traffic safety by directing snowmobile drivers and husky safaris to use the constructed