Learning system

This section and sub-pages of different countries present the material and outcomes of the project Conventus – Learning System for Cooperatives.

The learning system is based on need analysis (D2_Conventus_GapAnalysisReport, pdf), exchange of experiences, group processes (D4.1 and 4.2 Comp_2014_Group process development and education project partner group_pilot group, pdf) and pilot projects during the project.


Please check our Catalog (D6.2_Conventus_Catalogue_Jan2014, pdf) for general guidelines on how to approach the learning system and how to use different materials and exercises in order to educate cooperatives, their members and managers and also co-operators to be. The emphasis is on business skills but also on cooperative idea and principles. Cooperation is seen as a positive competitive factor for business. Learning approach is based on group process method and co-operational learning is recommended.

Catalogue’s structure follows the learning system, so there are five modules presented. Concerning each module there is:

1. General description
2. Learning outcomes (knowledge/attitudes, skills/useful tools)
3. Target groups
4. List of material in each language (English, Icelandic, Swedish, Italian, Polish and Finnish)
Approach to be used is group process method Four Field Model, which is presented in module 5. On this
basis the catalogue serves also as a teacher’s guide, and e.g. in Finnish section there is a teacher’s guide
booklet on co-operational learning for employee owned cooperatives. Chapter 7 lists other public outcomes of the project.

General instruction how to access materials:

The learning system is available in different languages (Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Polish, Icelandic,
English) on https://openmoodle.eoppimispalvelut.fi

We recommend you to subscribe to the OpenMoodle learning environment, for enabling customized access to courses you wish to utilise. Anyway, materials can be explored even without subscription.

For testing the environment, a general user ID can be used.

User id (for non-editing teacher role) is: catalog
Password: c4t4l0g

On OpenMoodle, you will get a list of available courses based on your user ID access, or you can search “Conventus” to get a full list of courses, or select a course you wish to explore from the list below. Part of the courses and modules may require completing of the learning quiz before access to next level (next Module). If you wish to customize your access level (after subscription), please (re)check your account user role by sending email to paul.nijbakker@lapinamk.fi.

Direct links to courses on OpenMoodle:









Conventus English

The content on English course: General Learning Material Statement of Co-operative Identity What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? The Co-operative Learning Centre   Module 1: The history, ideology and status of the cooperative movement Contents: This module foucuses on creating cooperative attitudes; highlight the background and ideology of coop movement. Here you will find history …

Conventus Finland – Suomi

Esimerkiksi seuraavat materiaalit/ linkit ovat saatavilla suomenkielisessä oppimisympäristössä (suosittelemme kirjautumista ympristöön, mikäli haluat räätälöidyn kokemuksen, esim. roolin opiskelijana/ opettajana): Osuustoimintavuoden Suomen loppuraportti Finnish Report Year of cooperatives Moduuli 1 Osuustoiminnan historia, ideologia, osuustoimintaliike Osuustoiminta tutuksi – diaesityksissä kuvataan osuustoiminnan historiaa ja periaatteita niin kansainvälisestä kuin suomalaisesta näkökulmasta. Lisäksi sivulta löytyy lisämateriaalia, mm. osuuskunnan perustajan opas. General …

Conventus Iceland – Islensk

Co-operative start-up Learning material developed in the Conventus project Here is a curriculum planning for start-up of co-operatives. The description presented is aimed at teachers and instructors. The curriculum plan is partly based material and experiences from other partners in the Conventus project and partly on experiences from a pilot project organised by the Centre …

Conventus Italy – Italiano

The Italian learning system on OpenMoodle learning environment consists of following modules (Modulo) General Learning Material Modulo 1 Material in Italian Module 1 – The history, ideology and status of the cooperative movement Principles of cooperation in Trentino Topics The Chart of Values: ethics as fundamental human aspect; ethics as essential aspect of economy; Christian values …

Conventus Poland – Polski

Content description Notice: The Polish course content differs in some elements from the English one, what results of the discussions among project team members. A special stress is laid on the elements that contribute to the building of cooperative awareness and the general knowledge on the cooperative movement  among members and future members of the …

Conventus Sweden – Svenska

Conventus Svensk kurs innehåller följande moduler: Modul 1: Kooperationens historia, ideologi och status Innehåll: Denna modul har fokus på kooperativt förhållningssätt genom att belysa kooperationens bakgrundoch ideologi. Här går vi igenom kooperationens historia och den kooperativa rörelsen med exempel från olika länder Modul 2: Att vara medlem i ett kooperativ Denna modul syftar till att göra medlemmarna i kooperativ medvetna om vad det   innebär att vara medlem i ett kooperativ och för att göra det möjligt för dem att …

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