This article Creating Consumer Insight explains how to proceed from data to insight and create meaningful engagement with the customer, that lasts. In the modern world, a consumer spends a lot of time and money online. That is why for businesses it is crucial to figure out the best ways of influence through the digital world.

A dynamic role of insight

Consumer-centric marketing is key in the digital world. Data-driven marketing is about backing up your best ideas with scientific information. Thus, smart consumer research informs about customers’ interests, attitudes, lifestyles, as well as online and purchasing behavior. It tells us about customers’ motivations and preferences and the channels through which consumer learns about the product.

During the project work for Designing Tourism Service, we had a task to identify our target group for the experience and customer persona description. We tried to visualize our persona’s life, interests, preferences, platforms, and channels how we can reach them best.

Valuable data turned into impactful insights.

The company can start by creating a portrait of the target customer and assumed customers’ journey. They need to consider important data here, such as customers’ interests, identify platforms and channels for better reach. The company needs to remember what are their objectives are and goals when using the insights.

Data vs. Information vs. Insight

Start with data

During the project work, we had a task to interview the people in Santa Village in order to test the 3 experience prototypes. We asked different types of questions based on our goals and the company’s objectives. We collected useful data formed on customers’ preferences and interests.

Based on this information we made the conclusion what channels can we use to reach our customers and what experience prototype shall we offer. It appeared to be a Nordic Sky experience. The customers were interested to have an authentic experience in winter, away from the city in nature, and in having many activities to choose from.

When collecting data, we had interviewed certain people that fit our customer persona profile. We had certain goals in mind when asking questions, which is to create a sustainable and profitable service for the existing company in Rovaniemi. In case the company chooses to implement our experience and it takes about a year for it, it is possible that the data we have collected is out-of-date by then.

We had interviewed 10-20 potential customers, and the more we asked as more actionable our insights would be.

It is important to understand nowadays through which social platform you can connect and interact with your customer, their motivation to purchase and come back to your company.Data-information-insight

Telling your story

The numbers from collected data can tell a “big truth” about the customer. The elements of this “big truth” are the relevance to the company’s brand and story, uniqueness as well as the right time and place of implementing it. The company’s goal and what are the reasons behind enforcing this idea are very important too.

After we collected the data for the commissioner,  a commissioner’s task was to decide to implement the experience or not. The right time of implementation, and making sure it is a perfect match with the company’s brand is essential.


It is important for any brand or company to collect data first then turn it into insights before implementing the innovative idea. It is essential to put science behind every implementation. The data that is used has to be up-to-date, it has to indicate customers’ preferences, interests, etc., and the best channels and ways how to reach potential customers.


GlobalWebIndex. Creating Customer Insight. The Smart Researches Guide.  Accessed 22 March 2022. Creating Consumer Insight – the smart researchers guide.pdf


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