The New Era of Tourism

The customer service has changed a lot during the past couple years. Emotions are big part of life and being humans. They control our actions. We value the feeling of getting heard and understood when we are expressing our interests for certain thing. This is important to acknowledge in marketing industry. I read an article called The Travel Consultant of Tomorrow by Amadeus. The article is about how fast travel industry is changing and what kind of impact Covid19 left on it. Also, how artificial intelligence can never be emphatic like a real human.

Critical Thinking

The fast-changing travel industry requires new kind of skills from employees. Travel companies’ employers need to find employee who is good using different marketing tools. The skill to solve problems effectively if something does not go as planned. Today it is easy to find information we need for a topic from internet. Only problem is the amount of information. We need to be critical while reading information from different sources. Online is full of fake news. Anyone can write information about anything they like even though they do not have correct knowledge. I agree with the authors that today companies need employees who know how to read customer data. This helps to keep up with trends and customer needs. Otherwise, it is impossible to keep a company running. Companies need to stay updated on changes.

Here you can read more about honest marketing.

Social Media Effects

Social media has a huge impact on our interests. The article mentioned how people these days try to find the most “Instagrammable” place to travel. This makes us sound little bit shallow persons, doesn’t it? I do not believe that our only goal in life is just to show off in online. Trying to make our life look interesting to other people. It is also to find people who have similar kind of interest. Travel companies which are active on different social media platforms have better change to find more customers. A customer finds something which wakes their interest and starts to find more information. If a travel company has been following the trends, the customer will eventually see advertisement which responds to their needs.

Being There for Customers

Customer service is about being there for a customer when they need help. The main idea of social media is being able to reach someone in a quick and easy way, right? This is the most important thing to travel companies to remember. Even though today everything is easy to book online by ourselves. It does not mean that we do not need human interaction at all. The pandemic has shown us how important it is to be able to reach for help if things do not go as planned. Being there for customers even after they have purchased a product or service. The idea of giving customers a feeling that the company is not just there to get customers money. The company is there for them in every situation during the journey.

What Traveler want
The list of traveler wants from the article made by Amadeus

Artificial Intelligence is An Opportunity

We often find the idea of artificial Intelligence little bit scary. Is it going to take our jobs? In the future is there social interaction with a real human at all? However, this is not the case. Artificial Intelligence in travel industry is a tool to help us to reach more customers. The ability to respond faster and react faster to customer needs and concerns.


These are my thoughts about the article. The technology is evolving, and we are evolving with it. It creates new ways to work. In the end humans will always need and want interaction with real people. We want that our emotions and needs will get a real response.


Insight of the new world of Travel. 2021. Amadeus. Referred on 22.3.2022.

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