
What are the future open learning environments like? What kind of knowledge and skills will an active citizen need to develop their own expertise in the open learning  environments of the future? The future society, working life and education require citizens who not only possess good skills and expertise, but participate in their continuous updating as well.

Technological developments create new kinds of environments, that pose challenges to people’s abilities to act in those environments. One of the major tasks of the AKTIIVI Plus project is to gather relevant information and forecasts, so as to offer the project participants and other stakeholders support in their operations. In the project issues are approached from an active citizenship, open learning environment and competence development point of view. In the AKTIIVI Plus network product development requires prognoses for the future. What should the developed products be like, so that they reflect short-term needs and challenges, as well as be easily developed in the light of changing conditions?

Anticipation report (Unfortunately, only available  in Finnish)

Ennakointiraportin kansi

Further Information
Kirsi Saloniemi (