Logan Shannon


Reaction paper

I-scoop the digital costumer experience


This article touches on elaborating key questions for an individual and/or business might have when expanding their online market and how the customers experience through it can either hinder or aid in the company’s life cycle and overall wellbeing. Main topic points in the literature include digital customer experience and digital operation excellence, the question “why customer digital experience”, the experience through the eyes of the customer, what sets it (digital experience) apart from everything else, and digital transformation.

In relevance to the goals outline for this e-commerce course, I believe it has beneficial knowledge and insight for those in attendance, can relate this literature to marketing trends and consumer-based patterns, as well internet-based marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM).

Three key points that struck my interest are as follows and is described with my personal thoughts and how I connect them with this study unit.

“Why digital customer experience”? – this sub section describes how the digital aspect has a beginning at end and that the digital experience makes up for the sum of it. From that, growth of customer loyalty and word of mouth occurs all within the digital journey and branches out. An example is the customer praising a brand through other digital sources, social media, messaging, forums, blogs and so on. I personally fell this holds true, I cannot think of a resource other than some form of digital technology that I use to conduct business and use word of mouth, it is a rare instance that I will do so in person with another peer. This topic is also being discussed on campus during lectures as well and from what I see in class, other students agree with this method of operation. An Altimeter graph from this section shows the four channels of the digital costumer experience, the DCE is the main channel, followed by disruptive technology, customer behavior and the data that is used from the customer.

Experience through the eyes of the customer – This topic explains that the customers themselves do not care about the DCE and asks if it even exist at all. Through my eyes as a customer, admittingly, I don’t think about my experience while using digital sources for online purchases, booking, or reading in general. I am aware of its importance. Smooth and operational performance is paramount. Let’s look at this as a student for example. Our digital experience is cluttered and not the most user friendly, so much to the point where we are asked to participate in surveys to see how it can be improved. For myself I prefer to go through as little marketing channels as possible, an example of this would be online purchases from a webstore, product menu and payment menu.

Digital transformation – In the contents of digital transformation from my understanding is the ongoing improvements of digital software. Compiling of user-friendly interfaces and how it is designed through a products availability, an app, mobile or desktop version of the marketing channel.

I conclude this blog with taking in the information provided. In the future I see myself perhaps being more conscious of my digital experience, taking note to how many marketing channels I will come upon, though I feel that most circumstances at this day in the digital market are cut and clear.



Digital customer experience – connecting the dots


loganrs88 ,

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