On January 4th, my exchange semester to Finland started. Weird to think that while writing this I can already call this my home for almost 3 months. The time here in Finland flew by and I can say that I enjoy it here!

My journey

Just after the holidays it was time for me to move to Rovaniemi, Finland. The days before I left were filled with packing and preparing everything for my departure. In the morning of January 4th, it was time to go. I said goodbye to my family and flew to Rovaniemi. When I arrived to it felt like I landed in some kind of winter wonderland. Everything was white and it was cold and snowing. The first days here was for settling and exploring what Rovaniemi had to offer. Because I came here quite early, I had a week before school started. In that time, I went to see the city centre, to Santa Claus Village, skiing and simply explored the area.


What do I think about Lapland?

During my time here I discovered that Lapland is place of extremes. The weather and nature here is completely different that where I am from. In the beginning when I arrived it was dark, snowy and cold, sometimes even below minus 20. It really was an experience to live in those kinds of circumstances. The sun came up around 10 and set again around 2. In the beginning it was kind of adapting to the cold and the darkness here, but it also has its own kind of charm. Outside it looked so beautiful and calm with all the snow. Now the days start to get long again, it gets warmer, and the snow starts to melt. During a walk outside you can hear the birds again and feel the sun, the spring is coming again.

Pyhä-Luosto National Park


Lapland is magical

Lapland surprised me with what it has to offer. The nature is beautiful and magic sometimes. Here you can experience some natural wonders as an example the northern lights. When you have a good night for the aurora borealis, it can be truly magical if you are able to experience them. Furthermore, Lapland also has some national parks that are worth a visit. You can hike through the snow and have a break at the campfire. In many parks they have places where you can make your own campfire to warm up or grill something.


The northern lights in Lapland


Looking forward to the next months

Choosing to do my exchange here in Rovaniemi is up to now a good choice. You meet so many new and kind people, do so many new things and make wonderful new memories. I think Lapland is definitely one of the most interesting places to live in. I can’t wait what the next few months will bring!


One Comment

  1. Great to read about your experiences in Finland!
    Some of the checklist features were not followed, such as naming the photo files with keywords. One of the photos could have been selected as “featured image”.

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